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NBC Huge UFO - Drone - 2009

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posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 05:18 PM
Beaten to death 10X+.
Must be a conference that charges admission coming up.

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious
reply to post by the secret web

Wow Wayne, no doubt you are an extremely talented CG artist and warrant your high opinion of yourself.

No I dont have a 'high opinion of myself', far from it...I simply outlined a very small (and far from complete) sample of my experience so that people could realise that my skill set means my opinion MAY matter a little more than a person with little or no knowledge of the subject. In thread like these there's no space for modesty lol.

Originally posted by kinda kurious
You successfully 'emulated' or 'replicated' the look of an inanimate object.(real or fake) I see that done quite successfully via 3D CGI (Maya, Flame, Softimage etc.) all the time in movies, video games, TV Spots and re-creations.

But I am curious, how does 'cloning' or being able to 'mimic' the exact look of something actually 'debunk' it?
[edit on 25-7-2009 by kinda kurious]

If you read the orginal analysis its fairly obvious that (just for starters):

1- a default shader was used

2 - they forgot to set the Ambient Occlusion pass samples high enough..they were left at default values.

3 - if it can be replicated then its possible to be CGI.if its easly to replicate nd other idicators say its fake..then there's more than a very good chance it is fake lol.

4 - I was sick to death of peope saying 'it couldn't be done without a massive budget'/ or only by ILM etc.

(There's a list as long as my arm of reasons the drones were fake.)

I orginally did it as 2 1/2 years ago was far different from today on ATS as you may remember. there was a lot of people saying 'it can't be CGI as it'd take too long / be too hard / is impossible etc... So springer asked me to basicaly show that it was possible and easy to set up for anyone with even a small ammount of 3d skill.

So thats exactly what I if a 3d guy can't spot the array tool in its construction and your a 3d artist (especially using max) then take a closer look. Its very obvious to those with a certain skill set in the same way as a medical problem can be very obvious to a specialist doctor. (I could tell you exaclty what DVD they used to learn to model in this style as well.....another little thing I learned since 2 1/2 years ago. There are a few facts I only passed onto springer at the time in case any one claimed reponsibility in order to check that they had indeed made the drone.)


[edit on 25/7/2009 by the secret web]

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by JimOberg
When did this segment air?

Hi James, as Freelance_Zenarchist said it was over a year ago as it first went out on the 24th April 2008.

Originally posted by freelance_zenarchist
DrDil has an excellent site compiling the research that went on here and other forums

Hi again Freelance_Zenarchist, I hope you're well and thanks for the link, did you notice this page?

Originally posted by the secret web
A copy of my old analysis can be found here (amazing what google turns up):


Sorry, I thought you were already aware of that Wayne, it’s currently buried under many, many pages here at ATS and I believed it warranted preserving in a more easily accessible format, hope it’s okay…..


posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by the secret web

OK, thanks, I DO see your point as an expert witness. So was this whole hoax (as another poster pointed out) done by SONY? If not, by who and why?

I lost track of the thread after 400+ pages.

(I too share my qualifications in my area of expertise on occasion.)

Once again, I meant no disrespect. Your credentials, talent and expertise is beyond reproach. Kudos and thanks.

[edit on 25-7-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 05:40 PM

Wayne did indeed bust these hoaxes out 2 years ago... I am a little bummed out that these HOAXES have returned to our hallowed halls of UFO goodness but such is life.

Those who need to believe will, those who employ critical thinking will do the research and understand that the whole stinking mess was nothing more than a ruse, pulled off by some 3-D artists who were testing their chops, made a big splash (which looks good on a confidential resume) and in the end Dell grabbed the images and the Isaac CARET Text and used it for a new Alien Ware gaming computer since they weren't (couldn't be) copyrighted!

Have fun, BE NICE and take form this what you will.


posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious
reply to post by the secret web

OK, thanks, I DO see your point as an expert witness. So was this whole hoax (as another poster pointed out) done by SONY? If not, by who and why?

I lost track of the thread after 400+ pages.

Once again, I meant no disrespect. Your credentials, talent and expertise is beyond reproach. Kudos and thanks.

The exact details are still a point of contention..... my personal bet is it was a viral that went badly wrong due the the sarah conners chronicles being held back due to the writers strike. But being honest it could have been anyone..... for any reason.

No offence taken.....
If people didnt' challenge credentials this wouldn't be ATS

Originally posted by DrDil
Sorry, I thought you were already aware of that Wayne, it’s currently buried under many, many pages here at ATS and I believed it warranted preserving in a more easily accessible format, hope it’s okay…..

A lot has happened in the last 2 years and my memory is not what it once was...but I tracked it down and yes you did tell me.
Its a good job you did as I lost a lot of data and models from my drives not long back along with the orginal I have to re get them for your site
(ironic eh? )

Thankfully it doesnt mean I have to ream all that info out again
(it is interesting that over the years I've seen people mix up my replication and 'chads' a lot..... personally I can spot mine for a 100 feet.)


posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Springer
I am a little bummed out that these HOAXES have returned to our hallowed halls of UFO goodness but such is life.

I can relate to that feeling! Its like an old incontinent relative has came to house sit lol.....again! Although hopefully this one doesn't run for another 400 odd page mega thread.


posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by the secret web
Although hopefully this one doesn't run for another 400 odd page mega thread.

I doubt Springer would agree. Don't they LOVE that here? Isn't THAT the idea?
(High site traffic, impressions, ad hits etc.)

[edit on 25-7-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious
reply to post by the secret web

OK, thanks, I DO see your point as an expert witness. So was this whole hoax (as another poster pointed out) done by SONY? If not, by who and why?

I lost track of the thread after 400+ pages.

(I too share my qualifications in my area of expertise on occasion.)

Once again, I meant no disrespect. Your credentials, talent and expertise is beyond reproach. Kudos and thanks.

[edit on 25-7-2009 by kinda kurious]

I cant believe they play a story about reported lights..then say its hoax..then go and replay an intriguing story about another hoax with the same they showed last year! Are they really that short on material?
It was debunked by Biedny. Wayne, Mufons experts , film expert Torvals , forum members like 11 11 Radii Marvin, SQT, and further corroborated by the Lying of the alleged witnesses as to location, residence, and even existence. Not to mention the cops who looked at the Raj photo..Forensic Cops, who look at phtos all day..this pod Cast..which is at of all places will tell you whats what..

Things like this resurface just like Nessie, Just like that Reed fellow, who was debunked hands down by ufowatchdog...,com...that will give you insight how the game works still hoping they can get some mileage, off of new people that come in. and its the time of year..for this..cropcircles, movies, etc.

a lot of that work is listed at , or just click on my profile and start scrolling down..2 pages worth ..but the DrDils is very well organized.

People make a living at this stuff..and it can be extremely lucrative, not merely hits..check the conference fees of 200 dollars or mopre a pop..
to hear them talk the talk about it and are clueless as evryone about everything. thats coming up november. with Linda and the PI drones..who could not find a correct telephone pole in those pix..and it was in their own neighborhood in San Jose..a REAL SPARSELY populated area.,
where the president of Ebay and Linda Browne live..( who not to mention other psychic and mufon goups and clubs in the areat)It away from the reported location, after we told them to look in same place months before..!..REAL LIVE Gumshoes..
But were selling tea shirts like this..

why they will be talking about the drones of course. at the Roswell crash retrieval. conference. in Nevada..Don't worry that no one has a lugnut to show for it after 60 years..but a million dollar museum themepark
is being built by the a tourist attraction..hey if Disney can do..why not them too.

God, don't even mention Sony that had outrageuslky well done websttes..getting peoples personal info.. they have two of whitleys movies 2012 and the greys coming out..same people who bring you some of our ufo news..

In conclusion..
I can assure you that neither us, nor the ETs are making a dime off this stuff..but the promoters will get theirs just like a stockbroker..whether your stock goes up or down..Thats how the game is played.

[edit on 26-7-2009 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 26-7-2009 by Sys_Config]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by Sys_Config

Thanks Sys Config,

So for the time challenged, (like me) in a nutshell and for the sake of brevity and closure on THIS thread:

1. WHO were the Hoaxers?
2. WHAT was the motive?

(Or was it simply as Springer pointed out a CG artists trying to make a name for himself or as Wayne suggested a viral marketing campaign gone bad.)

Or will this become (as you seem to allude to) one of the 'legacy' cases of conspiracy?
(Likely perpetuated for fun and profit.)


[edit on 26-7-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 02:44 PM
This one is like proving the existence of a black hole, it can only be done indirectly.
If you go to the last two pages here where we and some fantastic forum members have been looking at this from every angle, from lone gunman to religious groups, to corporate marketing, you will get an idea. Nothing you ask has not been asked before..
This was a well orchestrated hoax, timed with the release of not only a Tv movie series Terminator Chronicles by Fox Warners in March..It was timed with the release of AW's laptop the M15x, which I purchased by the way just for our inquiries. Aaptop containing the Bios of March 2007, and branded like the Isaac documents., which was announced late october 2007, a little over 90 days after Isaac in Late June.

The very fonts seen in the Isaac lap were discovered to be fonts used in Josh whedons Serenity.the very people that worked with Josh Whedon, also worked with Chronicles via Zodiac Studios who did the graphics and animation. Enter Leviathan group, an unknown graphics site and blogs from Texas..pushing the hoax since the first craft sited.that came into existence inon August 29, 2006, t the day after, Warner and Fox signed their contract for the Chronicles. Exit Leviathan group, one day after Warners finished their shooting of the main Chronicles episode shot in October 2008.
what happened in October of 2007? Sudden silence. The writers strike..BUT no such restriction on AW which could and had and very well did, to move foward and had the laps already ordered to specs and manufactured . To say they pulled manufacturing and labeling by a taiwan company in ninety days readiy for market is really stretching..Michael Dell had made a trip juto meet with Quanta in March iron out some differences and supply problems .It had just purchased AW not long before. so..there is more I have on that and the manufacturing...but I am not at liberty to disclose..yet..
How are the three connected..becuse they have worked together in past marketing laptops with movie themes like Superman, and Warcraft, and other entertainment projetcts. Like EA does in it game close with AW<

Every aspect to generate a revenue stream..the ones who doe this initially are the ones who developed the idea and shop around to warners fox etc..
then everybody signs off..that was Halcyon investments people or c2
then we see only the end part..the marketing via news paper.and TV .which it news..which it did. and you see it now..reporting a story without an disingenuous is that. Replaying two PIs who incorporated their website only days after the writers strike in Feb of 2008. here they are today. The very witness who turned that basin photo to the PIs aka MarsAve..also just happened to be an old acquaintance of the PIs
how disingenuous is that.?

Even AW siad the borrowed the design after seeing it on a website..same ffor Josh Friedman..of terminator..but anyone who knows how super litigious these people are and how business is really done..konws that is really disingenuous, when trademark office, thanks agent violet from ATS, reported AW has intellectual rights. to use letters..something AW in an email..not a public statement, like it should have claimed they had no such ownership. yet subsequent request to use the design was disallowed by them to fillman of ATS, and a computer businessman himself, .You tell me what that smacks of ..

Motive is simple..everyone above wanted to create buzz for their products.
whther Laptop, whether, movie, and even a game or arg.
Its how these things many times work. This was no exception. but if you catch one you have essentially caught them all.

Even Leviathan before they disappeaqered said..the the theme/meme would continue..look out for this summer.

Here we are today..and that was months ago.
What I and others in this camp have said has already been said.
Its up to,like a poster in the beginning said, your the game..and decide.
Thats our best bet..but all that should be done on either on Outrageo Thread I pointed to or the Hoax thread.

This is not over we are still digging and had to wade thru a lot decoys which wanted to lead us away from them..but failed even to this day..they are trying..

But come look at what NBC/Fox who owned the LA times thru newscorp as well..and Does their news on same channel as Premier networks Art Bell show.. did..
was it Accurate and Newsworthy..or Selling an affiliated creating demand for products of its partners..its an infommercial..cut and dry.

But it is an imprtant it shows I believe for the first time not merely how one entity works..but the enitire hoax machine..up and down and across the of

Regards and cheers

[edit on 26-7-2009 by Sys_Config]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Sys_Config

Thanks for taking the time to post recap. I sincerely appreciate it.

I will do more due diligence.


posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:05 AM
i saw a drone be escorted by two apache gunship last thursday at 8:30 in the morning in the uk fly above yate bristol

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