posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:44 PM
There are two types of souls.. Light souls, souls who were created and
imbued with love by the Creator. These souls will always be Light souls,
and will always have to the goal to heal and help their fellow man.
All humans with a Light soul go to the Light Realms after they die, or at
least their destination is the Light Realms. Sometimes humans with a Light
soul will have gone through a horrible life, but even if they have murdered
people or raped people through this corruption, their home is still the Light
After very difficult lives, their mind might be so damaged that they cannot
connect to the Light, and have difficulties entering the Light Realms after
death, and they become earthbound souls, until a Light being manages to
help them, or until a human psychic manages to send them home, or until
they fill their heart with love on their own accord.
But all Light souls, no matter what crimes they have committed, have the
Light Realms as their eternal home.
But because the Universe consists of two energies (Light and non light),
the source of non light, called by many names by many religions and many
spiritual belief systems. Such as Evil, Satan, Lucifer, etc.. none are correct
though, these names belong to demonic entities under the rule of the source
of non light. Anyway, because non light exists, there exist also non light
souls. These are souls that are similar to Light souls, but their goal is and
their desire, is to bring hatred, suffering, murder, rape, torture and to block
Light souls from their spiritual evolution.
Earth was a Light planet, but 89.000 years ago, the non light invaded and
destroyed the connection between humans and the Light Realms. From this
moment on, and not before, humans were succumbed by negativity, wars,
struggle, suffering and corruption. Now Earth is finally being cleansed again,
and within 5000 years, Earth will be a physical heaven, pure and clear.
Now, in case you're still listening.. as Light souls go to the Light Realm, non
light souls go to the non light realm, which some name Hell. But sometimes,
Light souls get jumped after they die, and pulled into the non light realm. I
have been pulled out of my body and dragged into that place many times,
so I have a lot of personal experience with both the Light Realms and non
light realms.
But everyone will end up back home at some point, no one is left behind.
Anyway, in case you are wondering; Am I a Light soul or a non light soul?
Rest easy, because all non light souls know they are non light (dark). If you
are not sure what you are, then you are a Light soul, guaranteed, and what
ever you do here, you will always keep the right to go to Heaven.
Also, Karma is a false light concepts.. it is implemented on Earth's belief
systems and religions, to let people believe their suffering is their own fault.
People believe in it because they want to believe that bad people always get
punished one way or another, sadly this is not true. Bad people do very bad
things, and they get away with it spiritually, there is no Karma. Just like this
concept of Ascension and Ascended Masters, it does not exist. Ascension is
yet another false light concept to get people to spend all their time on their
own, instead of helping and healing others.
Ascension doesn't exist, Ascended Masters don't exist, karma does not exist.
Because the Light does not elevate one soul over the other, every Light soul
has the same Light running through its veins, only the experience varies.
The Light also does not punish or judge.. when you do something bad, you
do not have to make it up through suffering and pain, or through hard work
and service. The Light doesn't deal in punishments and judgment.. when you
do something bad, that's just part of your personal evolution, next time you
do it better, because it made you feel guilty.
The reason all us Light souls incarnate, is first and foremost, to heal Earth
and humanity. Personal evolution comes second, there are no such beings
as Ascended Masters or Eloha or anything elevated like that.. there are
beings like archangels, but they usually don't incarnate, at least not for
personal evolution and growth. Jesus is a Light soul like we all, he is no more
special than you or me, but he is very evolved. But all of us will reach the
same level as Jesus, and there are souls who have evolved higher than him,
just not on Earth.
Just remember, keep this in your heart and mind.. the Light does not judge,
you don't have to make up for your mistakes, because the Light does not
punish. The Light and the Creator forgive all your mistakes before you even
make them.
But doing the right thing carries gigantic rewards.. just like you shouldn't
train your dog by punishment if he does something wrong, but only by
reward if he does something right.. the Light never punishes or judges or
gives you tasks or orders to make up for your mistakes. Bad guys get away
with their evil acts without being punished, but you don't have to go through
suffering and pain to make up your mistakes either.
ALL religions are false light institutions.. Christianity, Islam Judaism, Sikhism
and Hinduism, Satanism and even Buddhism.. they are all carries of false
information, to slow down people's evolution.. and all these sects will vanish
soon. As the truth will appear, the lies will crumble, and all religions will go
away forever. Only the bare truth will remain.. and life will become paradise
on earth.
Non light souls cannot incarnate on earth anymore, they haven't been able
to for a while, and all non light souls that are incarnated as humans at this
time, will die. Many of them will kill themselves, because they can't stand
the amount of Light that is pouring into Earth, others will die from disease
or freak accidents for the same reason.. until only Light souls are left. All
the pain and misery, suffering and corruption, wars, torture and rape on this
planet, ALL of it is the direct cause of incarnated non light souls.
Once the earth is freed of non light souls, all negativity will start to fade very
rapidly. Wars will cease, crime will fade, racism will disappear, people will
start cleaning up the oceans and our beautiful nature.. and paradise will be
starting to form. This I guarantee you, this is my message of hope.. it is now
The war between Light and non light on Earth, was won by the Light, at the
year 2008. The non light can never win again, can never win anymore. We
have won!