posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 12:43 AM
I believe right now is an interesting time. We were beginning to re-enter an age of ignorance, a la Medievel times.
In the early-mid 1900's we saw advancements that were completely beyond the scope of concept of people living in the previous century. The leaps and
bounds made forward were of an astounding nature. Information was VERY freely exchanged...up until WWII ended.
When WWII ended we see the veil of secrecy begin to be drawn. Blame on the Cold War, blame it on war fatigue, or just blame it on the a-a-a-alchohol
(have that stupid song stuck in my head). But, for whatever reason, the veil of secrecy was once more drawn over the information exchange of
The last time this happened, we had the Dark Ages. The cause, supposedly, at that time was Christianity and Islam. The burning of the Alexandrian
library, along with the hording of information by the Vatican and royal families, created a loss of rational thinking and logic and promoted
The founding of the US, combined with the illuminated beliefs of the greats of the Renaissance (primarily Lord Frances Bacon) helped draw this veil of
secrecy back, once more, so that information could flow.
The big "wild card" that is changing the paradigm right now is the internet. The flow of information cannot be stopped because it amounts to the
little dutch boy trying to put his finger in the dyke. What we see happening right now is, instead of secrecy (since the information will get out one
way or another) is that we are seeing disinformation. The signal is so convoluted with the noise that detecting the meaning in the signal can be
nearly impossible.
It will be interesting, sociologically, to see how this plays out. I would love to be able to study it from a point in the future....too bad i