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CDC stops swine flu US death count at 300

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posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 12:21 PM

More than 300 people have died from the new pandemic swine flu virus, U.S. health officials said on Friday, but they said the virus was so widespread they were ceasing the official count.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said 43,771 cases of H1N1 influenza had been officially confirmed, with 302 deaths.

The pandemic spread globally in less than two months and has infected people in 160 countries, killing 800 people, the World Health Organization said. The WHO numbers do not include the latest CDC count.

Health experts say millions have likely been infected worldwide, but doctors can only test a fraction of suspected cases. Flu tests are expensive and unreliable and confirming H1N1 swine flu is difficult.

Health officials are now working with companies to test and make a vaccine against H1N1 to be delivered alongside seasonal influenza vaccines.

Hiding numbers again.

I guess if an entire city gets wiped out, we'll never know about it.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 12:38 PM
Check my thread , it is a list of Criminal charges a gainst WHO Obama And UN ,fema ...

Thread here

this is serious BS, by the time this trail is over , we are all dead !! hehehe.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 12:50 PM
I say this, I heard on the radio here in Norway, I think it was in mid may, norwegain doctors have looked into the SwineFlu (NwoFlu) and they thought it may have been silently spread for a year or two before it broke out.. If that is the case, it would surtenly explain why it spreads every where. MSM say that those who havent been abroad this spring/summer who gets it, have been in contact with some one who have been abroad.

Now, that is a perfect cover up story, as no one can actualy verify that at all, cause when your at the shopping mall or the cinemas, you dont know whos been abroad or not of those people and you think, Sure , that makes sence !!

Just my 2 cents , but, I tend think the opposite of the media, since tthey tell what illuminati tells them to.. Simple this !

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by warrenb

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said 43,771 cases of H1N1 influenza had been officially confirmed, with 302 deaths. The pandemic spread globally in less than two months and has infected people in 160 countries, killing 800 people, the World Health Organization said. The WHO numbers do not include the latest CDC count. Health experts say millions have likely been infected worldwide, but doctors can only test a fraction of suspected cases. Flu tests are expensive and unreliable and confirming H1N1 swine flu is difficult.

So hang on...the WHO whip up a frenzy of do all governments...and they are spending God knows how much on vaccines made by unethical, corrupt and unsafe labs. Vaccines which may be mandated and forced on us all...and yet 'confirming swine flu is difficult'...'tests are unreliable'...'millions have 'likely' been infected'...uh huh...(on that basis it's just as likely they have not been)...and yet they can't count past 300? Did they run out of fingers...or are their hands too busy counting all the money? Bunch of criminally insane morons.
How can you mandate compulsory vaccination for something that is not a notifiable disease...and if it is notifiable they can damn well count the numbers.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by oneclickaway

They stopped counting the numbers in the USA because our flu season should have ended WEEKS AGO. The fact that there are people getting "severly ill" from a "mild swine flu" can't get around to much you know! Not to mention the fact that we should only be having complaints of alergies and not "flu" over running doctor's office's.

Before you get to the she is fear mongering etc hooey...I had that wonerfully mild flu and by the third time around I was in the ER. We almost lost my brothers two toddler's over it too. His fever was at 104.8 and it took them over 12 hours just to get it to drop down to 101...the rest of his family my neice and nephew where the same. They were "held" at the ER by the health department on orders from the CDC for 14 hours, yes for a mild flu that only kills the weak and immune compramised.
It doesn't affect everyone the same and it is appearing to affect the younger generations much worse than the old as is normally with any flu.

They are not counting the numbers or the deaths because they want to get people away from the fact that it should not be spreading at this time to anyone period! FLU SEASON ENDED HERE 2 MONTHS AGO!

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:36 PM
My cousin just died from complications caused by the swine flu.
She had emphysema but was doing ok and living her life. Her grandson
became ill with what they assumed was a virus. He apparently caught
it from someone where he worked. A few days later she
was admitted to the hospital and was going downhill fast. She was put on
a ventilator and never came off of it. She died about a week later.
The family was tested (her husband also had become ill) and it was confirmed that it was indeed swine flu.
This was in a small town in NC.
This is much more widespread than we can imagine.


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