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Do animals hate me?

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posted on May, 9 2004 @ 02:39 PM
I'm not entirely sure this is the correct place to post this but it seemed about right to me.

It seems to me that whenever I go near animals they are immediately enraged by my presence. Animals will attack me for really no reason even ones which seem entirely friendly with others pets and even wild animals have attacked me. This makes me extremely parnoid about animals and I can hardly go near some animals. The really weird thing is that it only seems to happen with warm blooded animals. Like mammels and birds. Reptiles amphibions fish invertabrae I am fine with (I even have a pet snake) but other animals just hate me. A lot of people seem to think that the animals can just sense my fear but I think it is more than that.

So can anyone help me? Is this just an irrational fear am I over reacting or is the some of the animal kingdom against me? What could be wrong with me to make animals hate me?

I would appreciate anyones feedback even if you do just think I'm a nutcase any help would be appreciated.

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 02:43 PM
It's most likely to be your body language (and possibly scent.) I do know people who are strongly attracted to animals, but that animals don't like. On the flip side of that, I have particularly good "mojo" with many domestic cats.

I'm not sure anyone's actually quantified what it is or how it happens, but there are people who are better with some types of animals than other people are.

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 03:00 PM
u let animals push u around?! ur higher in the food chain for god sake! show some backbone! if a dog ever gives me sh*t, i'd just give it a good kick. if a cat tries to scratch me, i just throw against the wall. ur human god dammit! not some lowly life form!

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 03:05 PM
Animals are the least of your worries mate, most people hate you as well.

Only joking man, I know what you mean. Dogs and Goats hate my guts. I had a very traumatic thing happen to me when I was a kid. My family went for a pic nic e.t.c. and out of the woods comes this Goat and it just instantly went for me, no one else just me. Luckily there was a play ladder I could keep hide on. Ever since if I go to a zoo e.t.c. they'll go for me, It's one of those things.

Dogs, well they hate my guts most of them. They'll come from miles just to hunt me down, I guess it's just one of those things. I would love to know myself though.

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 04:53 PM
Do other people consider you a kind person?

Do you consider yourself a kind person?

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by silQ
u let animals push u around?! ur higher in the food chain for god sake! show some backbone! if a dog ever gives me sh*t, i'd just give it a good kick. if a cat tries to scratch me, i just throw against the wall. ur human god dammit! not some lowly life form!

Before I post my thoughts to Ugly, I need to address this first.

All I can say is that I hope you are kidding, SilQ.
You may think you're higher on the food chain, but that's an arrogant, neanderthal attitude IMO. But to the Higher powers out there (doesn't matter if you don't believe in them, they believe in YOU), your treating animals in such a horrific manner grants you some major bad Karma, Dude.

If you were serious in your post, don't be surprised in the least if your days are fraught with frustration and unforeseen troubles. If they are (as I am almost positive) you can count on your attitudes towards these innocent creatures as a major reason why.

Now, Ugly...I have to ask you this because I don't "get" this from your post, but you don't take SilQs attitude towards animals, do you ? I don't think so, which is why I can't figure out why you think they "hate" you.

In a nutshell, I don't think they actually are "hating" you. I think that's just your perception. What I actually think it is, is (as someone already said) your body language. You're expecting them to hate you now and so your body sends out signals and vibes and animals are reacting weirdly to this. It puts a strange scent to you in the animals eyes. This is just my opinion. Keep in mind what other posters may offer you by way of explanation as well (well, except SilQ anyway).

Best of luck to you, Uglyboy (that's another thing..your nick..I'm sure you're NOT and I feel uncomfortable calling you that. Do you have an alternative ?). Sometimes we can only truly make connection with a particular animal which speaks to us. In my case that would be rodents, particularly hamsters.

If you truly love animals you will find your power/soulmate animal too. I'm sure of it

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 06:45 PM

Just joking with you man. Perhaps you owe them money? Or maybe a kitty treat? Or maybe they just happened to be p-o'd when you walk into the room, and took their anger out on you.

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 06:53 PM
I'm sure the animals don't hate you. Perhaps you have a fear of some of them?
Animals detect human feeling and react to them.

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 12:11 PM
If you want you can all me MrJ or just J or for that matter just about anyhting else as long as I know you are referring to me.

Yes I think most other people see me as kind and I do feel myself that I am kind.

Most people here seem to think it is to do with me being scared of them and them reacting to ym body language. I could actually agree that I have a fear of some animals but I think that is only due to experiences I have had with them when I was younger. When I was very young I loved every animal but later I started to get constantly attacked or scared by them and I just don't know why. But I think those constant scaring I got from animals has made me fear tham totally. However even when I have no idea an animal is around they will still growl or leap at me. Now this as far as I think cannot be to do with my body language as I don't think I can react to something I don't know is there or can I? It just makes no sense to me the way these animals treat me.

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 01:34 PM

My dog says he hates you.

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 01:36 PM

It seems to me that whenever I go near animals they are immediately enraged by my presence. Animals will attack me for really no reason even ones which seem entirely friendly with others pets

You are no alone on this one, when my son was younger he used to get attack by animals all the time to the point that he stayed in the house everytime after an attack. For sometime he could not even ride his bike around in the street because dogs would fallow him barking and snarling, even our house pet bite him a couple times, but guess what? one day during his teens years it just went away and so far he does not have anymore incidents, I don't know, but what I know for sure is that animals have a very kin sense of smell may be you give a very strong smell of fear and they sense it as something to guard from.

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by aimlessly

My dog says he hates you.

My rats say that they loooooove you! They love everyone, even people who hate rats!

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 12:12 PM
Does anyone out there have an answer for me to tell me why animals want to attack me so much adn how I can stop it?

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