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Civilizations, that never made it, brainstorming.

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posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 03:35 AM
(I do sum this up at the end, for those sore of eye's in """" so look for those and your as well as good)

Thunder rolls, lightning strikes.

And mods inevitably ask why this is in this section, well read on...

I find it quite odd, or bizzare, that we seem to trouble ourselves with the question, of are aliens visiting us, where are they, what do they do.

I find the troubling question that I believe many don't appreciate as much as say I do.

I believe in the very high, extremely high probabiltiy of alien life existing elsewhere. It's reasonable, and logical.

Although intelligent life elsewhere, would be just as beautiful a specimen such as us.

Given the probability of life elsewhere, we must assume life elsewhere, grew up, were raised in different forms of morality.

I especially liked some nibiru stories, of how Nibiru was a dwarf star or whatever, and the whole planet was of corrupt people/reptillians. It made me think of a different paradigm in comparison to earth.

Shifting into the realm of different planets and solar systems possibly holding life, which has come and especially GONE away. Evaporated into the same space they were breed from.

What were the causes of this, there are so many of them.

Exploding star, how awful would that be! Imagine if back in the 1900's the early we somehow found out, that we had 1,000 years till the sun was going to go kaput!

Or if a civilization was just about to go looking for planets to inhabit, and their own planet ended up being blast with a GRB! Then put, it's gone another failed expectation which could've been and never was...

Now I see for earth it's quite terrible.

We have two major opposing forces, recently, which are quite trivial.

Racism, say perhaps, there is a great thing, and blacks completely wipe out all whites, or whites completely wipe out all blacks. *going for extremes here*

Either way, we're battling something trivial to our impact on the universe which we could have accomplished!

Now the next is religion, we know *perhaps in the back of our minds* a battle between Islam and Christianity, Islam and Hinduist, and others and others.

We seem to be extremely divided, and avoiding serious situations!
While bothering ourselves with extremely trivial things, like whites being upset that blacks say they can't dance *um elvis hello*. Or white man bringing the black man down *obama hello*. But thats a different subject, which shouldn't be.

Now I have a bit respect for the Global warming, because for an instant in believing in it, we tend to throw the bull *snip* away. And wonder that hopefully our children will be able to live another generation to complain about someone elses religion or ethnicity, or clothing.

Back to the point which is the title, what is it we should be worried about, what are the greatest threats to our existence.

When do people realize the threat is real, and throw away there trivial problems for the better of humanity.

It seems more and more, we are digressing back to our basics and failing at our next transition.

You have seen the threads and post in ats as a whole, taking for granted that's not the opinion of the world only a miniscule minority.

The posts of which people would rather go and live in mountains or in the forest because they don't have to worry about money or life problems. Although that is the way life is, and you can either adapt or digress to your chimp brothers, and start learning how to pick off ticks until an asteroid hits, and we're all dead.

I wonder, if we were to wonder what our alien brothern were to say to us now, what would they say, what would they heed us from.

Some say Nuclear War, we'll all be destroyed, well there is a grand probability that not everyone will die, and some will survive but would set us back 1,000's of years!

If we could take a paradigm shift, and not hope for aliens to come and save us from ourselves, what would they tell the ordinary people to do, what would they do, if you can open up in the dreadfull philosophical way of these questions.

For those who are unreligious, that aren't really counting on a savior to come down and stop all the madness. We have to wonder, what do WE do to stop the madness and raise up the human race, to a galactic race (lol near star trek never seen it though don't bash me

I see so many possibilities for life, and would wish for people to not look for aliens seeking them in the skies, but for them to want to be the ones studying those from the sky!

*Now I will Sum this Up, for those that don't wish to read the whole thing, don't worry I understand*

"We are aliens, to those of different planets, though we may not know if their there, or if their still around. If you were an alien, looking at those on earth as aliens to YOU, what would be you're main thing you would want to put forth to the alien earth. Besides the expected, live and be happy blah blah blah, but to the beneficiary of our survival. What would help us to focus on the most, and how would we avoid the inevitable mistake, that apparently quite a few other alien planets missed".

I do regretfully, feel, I can't get my exact point across, and hopefully those who understand can better put it. Hopefully.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 03:48 AM
i think we all live in a very very frustrating time my friend. The powers at the top are where it stems from though.

We are living in times where there is huge uncertainty about whats around the corner. We are apprehensive. All the talk of 2012 stuff, the talk of war, countries becoming nuclear powers, financial meltdown etc etc.

I think many of us feel its outwith our hands to really make a difference in this society. No matter who we vote for, they dont help.

Maybe people are sitting back for 2012 to come and go, just to see what happens, then we may see some change, either due to a 2012 event or not.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by grantbeed

I'm hoping though, for a massive or minorily great brainstorm though, of how we could avoid a extinction disaster.

I know the mayans had some soccer type game, but i'm fairly sure that GRB's don't care much for soccer.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 05:51 AM
civilisations in which there are multiple races/ethnic types in them are bound to fail sooner or later. i.e

  1. Babylon
  2. Egypt
  3. Persia
  4. Greece
  5. Rome
  6. Aztecs and Mayans
  7. European Empires
  8. Soviet Empire

and now Western Civilisation is on the verge of becoming the next lost civilisation. within 50 years, Every westerner shall be a minority in their own countries. Within 100 years, white people will make up 0.9% of the population. Wake up people.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by fapython
and now Western Civilisation is on the verge of becoming the next lost civilisation. within 50 years, Every westerner shall be a minority in their own countries. Within 100 years, white people will make up 0.9% of the population. Wake up people.

Wake up from what? Racial propaganda madness? Wouldnt be such a big loss.

But you're probably right. Within 100 years, white people could very well make up 0.9% of the population, or even less. The other 99.1% will be gray.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 07:55 AM
I always assumed that no matter how 'great' a civilisation boasts it is, it sooner or later falls out of favour with the rest of the world, Like Rome of old theres always a cancer eating away at it, no matter how righteous the original planners thought of it, the prodgeny always spoil it as they get ideas they think would suit the civilisation, but in reality all it is, is ideas that suit them.

Take the US now , its not western civilisation that is failing but the US empire, like it or not the US IS an empire, they might not have taken over the world by force but they took it over by advertising and produce.

There isn't a country in the world that doesn't sell coca-cola or pepsi for example. No matter how much someone else bleats on about how much they hate America they'll still drink the can of coke.

The children of the US political system have ruined it for the following generations, and those that follow try to eke out their little piece of the rancid pie, the ruined mess is left for the citizenry to sift through.

The UK is ( as I was thinking earlier to myself) a lapdog to the US wanting scraps and following the 'master' into battle hoping to curry favour, but in reality it is following him into death.

We are already seeing the deaththroes of the 'Civilised' US empire, with social decay and economic collapse, people killing each other over the stupidest of things , a look , a dollar, a matter of opinion, but the people follow becaause of all the advertising they are shown, like the Romans and the gladitorial games , its all entertainment whilst the city around falls into ruination. You don't see because your distracted by the shiney warriors, the bright lights and the noise .

The self styled emperors feel the need to show their authority by having the odd war now and then, to show to their people they are right, and that they are just and that they only have the peoples best interests at heart, but to be honest? it's all a lie covered up with sugar and tassles, they only have THEIR interests at heart, whilst they dine at banquets fit for Gods their people go hungry, whilst they live in huge mansions , people live on the streets in boxes. Whilst their children play with large electronic toys , the peoples children play with life and death of day to day living with disease and pollution.

The US is falling and taking the world with it, but the people don't notice , they are told to shut up and be quiet , and believe in the BS that is blown up their asses by the state owned , or at least state affiliated media.

The enemies are lining up at the gates to draw blood against the dying beast that we call 'The West' , we fight amongst ourselves and while we do that , the enemy sneaks around our backs preparing to strike, but to be honest? I don't see the enemy behind me , all I see is someone pushed to the point of wanting to strike back at the real enemy , the ones we should be facing, our own Governments and corrupt politicians, those that set us against a foe , a foe that we didn't know IS our foe, , thats what our Governments tell us isn't it?, and if we actually stood across from our 'enemy' face to face, we'd find out that they are not our nemesis, they are just men and women like us, they just want to get up in the morning, go to work and then go home to their families in the evening same as us, but we are told by those who tell us to trust them , that they really are our enemy and they want to kill us, we believe the lies, because we believe the lights and hearsay.

Civilisation like this NEEDS , nay WANTS to fail , wants to become extinct, but trouble is , we the people will sit by and let it happen, whether its from without or within, all we will do to lament over the loss, we will look for guidance, the only guidance we will get from those we trusted to look after us when they run to their heavily guarded mansions is " leave my property, we gave you the chance to listen to us , but you did nothing to avert the collapse", they will try to pin the blame on us the people, and we will accept it as our fault, simply because we are lazy, ignorant and greedy for the little bit of pie our masters have left us.

Civilisation IS collapsing, we will stand by and let the beast fall, when in fact we can at least prevent it dying completely if we are prepared to cut out the cancer causing its demise.
But we aren't , like a pitbull barking and growling at an oncoming fire, we don't go near it because the noise scares us , but we look at the teeth more, and as we near it, it turns its head still barking at the fire and soon the fire will engulf it and we'll mourn the loss, but if we grabbed it by the scruff of the neck and dragged it out of harms way the dog will bark at us, but we'll still have it by its neck and under our control.

Colour isn't an option to be arguing against in my opinion, in 1000 years or less we will all be coffee coloured , our current societies from all parts of the world will intermingle and crossbreed, but who cares? At least if we are all the same colour we won't complain about race will we?.

We may actually have some sort of harmony , but our current generation is going to have the hardest time adjusting to the changes, its only after the last 500 years has transport methods changed enough to allow people from all cultures and other parts of the world, black , white, red and yellow can travel to each and every other part of the globe easily and quickly, so cross colourisaton is going to happen , get over it , there's nothing you can do to stop it, it will happen eventually, so why not just sit back and get to know other people and stop looking at the colour of their skin, it is after all only skin deep isn't it?

So I say to you , pass the message on, take the dog by the neck, shake some sense into it or simply stand back and watch the world burn and cry as its goes up in smoke. Your choice.

[edit on 24/7/09 by DataWraith]

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by fapython
civilisations in which there are multiple races/ethnic types in them are bound to fail sooner or later. i.e

  1. Babylon
  2. Egypt
  3. Persia
  4. Greece
  5. Rome
  6. Aztecs and Mayans
  7. European Empires
  8. Soviet Empire

and now Western Civilisation is on the verge of becoming the next lost civilisation. within 50 years, Every westerner shall be a minority in their own countries. Within 100 years, white people will make up 0.9% of the population. Wake up people.

take your racist opinions elsewhere (I remember you from the are white people aliens thread and your avatar speaks volumes).

if you had paid attention in history class or to the world around you, you would notice that the most successful empires are *always* the empires willing to welcome conquered nations instead of exterminating them - the result being composite culture and multiracialism. All Empires fall - that's just a matter of internal corruption, which is a completely independent factor considering every single nation I'm about to list was ruled at the top tier soley by members of the parent nation - who were also the architects of its destruction.

the English Empire (the largest empire in history, controlling 1/3rd of the world's land mass.)

Mongol Empire (second largest in history by a hair, who very quickly learned that to be successful you need to preserve conquered nations and allow them leeway.)

Rome. (The empire that created the modern world.)

Macedonian Greece. (One of the largest and most advanced empires in history.)

China (the longest continuously existing nation on the planet, formed by one king conquering many neighboring nations.)

Ashoka's Indian Empire (one of the most diverse and largest empires of its time.)

Persia (one of the world's greatest superpowers, and the originator of concepts such as human rights.)

Umayyad - Abbasid Caliphate (Tremendously long lasting and powerful muslim empire, tolerant of different cultures so long as they accepted Islam).

By comparison, xenophobic empires have remained weak, short lived or unimportant on a global scale. For example:

Viking Empire (controlled less land than the larger European nations currently have at its peak)

Japan (perennially dwarfed by China, never able to even consider denting it until WW2. They didn't win. Remained technologically backwards for thousands of years.)

Nazi Germany (I'm sure you know how well that turned out.)

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by fapython
and now Western Civilisation is on the verge of becoming the next lost civilisation. within 50 years, Every westerner shall be a minority in their own countries. Within 100 years, white people will make up 0.9% of the population. Wake up people.

so what? I'm white and you disgust me. Are you aware that the genetic difference between two random people is 6 times larger than the difference between the average brit and the average thai (as an example)?

Templeton analyzed genetic data from mitochondrial DNA, a form inherited only from the maternal side; Y chromosome DNA, paternally inherited DNA; and nuclear DNA, inherited from both sexes. His results showed that 85 percent of genetic variation in the human DNA was due to individual variation. A mere 15 percent could be traced to what could be interpreted as "racial" differences.

"The 15 percent is well below the threshold that is used to recognize race in other species," Templeton said. "In many other large mammalian species, we see rates of differentiation two or three times that of humans before the lineages are even recognized as races. Humans are one of the most genetically homogenous species we know of. There's lots of genetic variation in humanity, but it's basically at the individual level. The between-population variation is very, very minor."

Among Templeton's conclusions: There is more genetic similarity between Europeans and sub-Saharan Africans and between Europeans and Melanesians, inhabitants of islands northeast of Australia, than there is between Africans and Melanesians. Yet, sub-Saharan Africans and Melanesians share dark skin, hair texture and cranial-facial features, traits commonly used to classify people into races. According to Templeton, this example shows that "racial traits" are grossly incompatible with overall genetic differences between human populations.

races are an illusion based on familiar similarities. people from one region look similar because they are all distantly related. just like you look similar to your parents. the differences are so minuscule they are scientifically nonexistent.

also bear in mind that by bringing people from different parts of the world together, the gene pool as a whole is greatly improved. The most beneficial genes that exist in isolated areas will become more and more common. in a few thousand years, almost everyone will have darker skin. this is a good thing. why? light skin is a tremendous disadvantage everywhere except far northern latitudes during the winter (vitamin D production). darker skinned people are nearly immune (relative to light skin) to skin cancers, sunburn, etc. All of which are going to become more prevalent as we destroy our ozone layer and warm our planet up. Even darker eye colors are very slightly better at resisting sun glare and snow blindness. If you're truly afraid of losing your precious white race illusion, then you better be scared of pollution, because trust me solar radiation is a lot more likely to be the cause of white people disappearing (deaths due to higher and higher rates of skin cancers) than the tremendously slow process of gene spread.

And why do you think civilizations will be "lost"? The people who look different but were born and raised in your country by families that have been there for generations? Its their country just as much as it is yours. Unless by your logic whoever was around the longest has all claim. (
) In which case you better pack your bags if the druids pop up.

[edit on 24-7-2009 by JScytale]

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by fapython
civilisations in which there are multiple races/ethnic types in them are bound to fail sooner or later. i.e

  1. Babylon
  2. Egypt
  3. Persia
  4. Greece
  5. Rome
  6. Aztecs and Mayans
  7. European Empires
  8. Soviet Empire

All civilizations fall at some point. Civilizations have a life cycle. Some such as the fallen empire of the Ottoman Empire ruled for 600 years before falling. Others like the Soviet Empire lasted 70 years. Civilizations such as the Minoans of Crete have been destroyed over night while others like the Habsburgs of Austria gradually declined over one hundred years.

I disagree on that they fall due to ethnic diversity. For example Britain where I live fell from grace through war and loss of economy. Not due to ethnic diversity. Corruption, War, Economic, Internal Strife and Natural Causes all can cause the demise of a civilization.

Originally posted by Republican08
If you were an alien, looking at those on earth as aliens to YOU, what would be you're main thing you would want to put forth to the alien earth. Besides the expected, live and be happy blah blah blah, but to the beneficiary of our survival. What would help us to focus on the most, and how would we avoid the inevitable mistake, that apparently quite a few other alien planets missed".

I think if another Alien species gave us a gift it would be peace and the technology to save ourselves from natural disasters. I think also to avoid the inevitable mistake we could if Aliens made a select few of us humans dedicated to knowledge and wisdom immortal, it would allow at least some of us to warn humanity of its plight sometime in the future.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Persicoana
I think also to avoid the inevitable mistake we could if Aliens made a select few of us humans dedicated to knowledge and wisdom immortal, it would allow at least some of us to warn humanity of its plight sometime in the future.

I'm pretty sure that would quickly degrade into jealousy, murder and war, and I think any extraterrestrial that observed the human species for more than a day would realize that, assuming immortality is even possible (which IMO is highly doubtful).

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by DataWraith

You said it, that's exactly why it will fail, that's exactly a self inflicted wound, as you put it so eloquently. The only way to turn it around is to face the real enemy, which too many won't do for fear of being called treasoners.

[edit on 24-7-2009 by ldyserenity]

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