That's not to say that they are not real, just that they are not real to everyone. It's no secret TPTB have "programed" society to a specific
train of thought. They have been working on programming different generations to believe certain things.
I'm 21, so lets just say I'm a "New-Age" generation.
My Parents are 50.
My grandparents are in their 70's
That's 3 different generations who have basically grown up in 3 different era's of thought if you will. That's part of the puzzle. The information
has been compartmentalized and released throughout the different generations so that the whole story would be hard to determine. Basically the
different generation gaps have different modes of thinking. That's not an arguable point.
Ever wonder why there is not AS MUCH information during the late 70's early 80's??? Generation gap my friend. In order to be able to have
experiences (for the most part) one must unlock their subconscious.
One way to do such is by the use of drugs, which I do not endorse as there are LEGAL ways to unlock consciousness. But once you have unlocked your
brain the world becomes much different. One views the world totally differently. I personally believe that is part of the reason why marijuana is
illegal. It's no secret that alcohol and tobacco are much worse for a person.
Once you unlock your brain you open "files" you never knew you had, that's why some have OBE's.
It's much, much, much, much more intricate than just that but I feel that information is a big part of the puzzle, and have been told so by many with
Remember, the name of the game is control. Control your own personal consciousness and you can unlock many doors that you have been programmed to
keep closed.
If the majority of the world who doesn't believe we are being contacted and visited view those who do believe as crazy, what happens when believing
becomes the norm? Are those who still don't believe the new crazy ones?
[edit on 23-7-2009 by GeechQuestInfo]