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Muslim man critical after 'honour attack' with acid

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posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Kram09
If there was a situation which was an honor killing then they should be dealt with by the law of the land.

Sharia law is not the law of the land in the UK.


You've finally got the point I've been trying to spell out to you.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Kram09
reply to post by Thebudweiserstuntman

No, no i understand. It was Sharia law i was unsure of.

I just read this article.

Sharia Law
So because Sharia Law isn't state law, it wouldn't affect you, unless you are a muslim.

That's exactly my point. UNLESS you are a muslim.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Thebudweiserstuntman

Yes, i think we both generally agree on the same thing, just we were getting our wires crossed....or at least i was.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:09 AM
I just found this.

Interesting interview with the Archbishop of Canterbury about the adoption of Sharia Law.

Rowan Williams Interview

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
Honour killings / attacks DO occur in the UK.

Yes they do
So does rape, murder, vandalism, random violence, DUI, breaking and entering etc....

You don't want honor killings in the UK
I'm sure you don't want rape or murder either

Is this thread only getting this much attention because the reason behind the violence was religious, or maybe not religious by done by muslim extremists?

come on man, violence is violence.

If you try to kill someone for religious reasons or if you try to kill someone for money you will end up in the same cell in the same prison.

So it really makes no difference
Some here just have an agenda to fuel hate!

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

You've quite obviously not read any of my posts about the disillusioned youth in the Uk, or the nanny state or the dietary break down of people resulting in violent attitudes or the binge culture or any of the myriad subjects i've discussed over the years.

I'm not targetting muslims.... But in this case i'm commenting on honour killings which seem to be tied in with Islam.

What's your point here?

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:19 AM
I'm wondering do any of you live in an area of the UK that is a mainly muslim community?

I used to live right in the middle of an area that gradually become a muslim community. It ended up we were the only white, non-muslim family in the area and they built a mosque right opposite our house.

I mean RIGHT opposite... literally, walk out our door and you'd be there in less than 30 steps.

They had a call to prayer every morning, at stupid hours, and didn't close until late at night. The gates closing and locking would wake our kids each night and the call to prayer would wake us all really early each morning.

We asked the guys running the mosque to be quieter, and they apologised, but didn't really make any effort.

If you walked down that street, you'd see people dressed in traditional clothes, burquas (sp?) and all the other robes in between.
No-one spoke English, none of them would play in the street with our children.
It became as though we were living in a different country.

We moved house because we no longer felt comfortable in that neighbourhood... in essence, we were 'forced' out. I wouldn't want to live in a muslim country, and that's what that area was like, so we had to leave.

If an honour killing or anything similar happened there, no-one might ever find out. Would they report it to the police, or deal with it internally within their own community?

I have nothing particularly against muslims, but I do have a problem with entire communities taking over an area.
That's not integration... most of the people there couldn't actually speak English at all. How you integrate into a society where you can't speak the native language?
Not possible!

I'm rambling a bit now, but yeah... in communities like this, who knows what happens. Police wouldn't be particularly welcome, they had to send in muslim officers on the odd occasion I did see police there.
It was totally like a different way of dealing with them, and if that's the case, then they are a completely seperate part of society.

That concerns me.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Yes they do
So does rape, murder, vandalism, random violence, DUI, breaking and entering etc....

You don't want honor killings in the UK
I'm sure you don't want rape or murder either

Bad comparison! Rapists and burglars and alcoholics are not justifying their actions with a "good book!" In most cases they don't justify their actions at all. Once they are caught, they know they are guilty.

A panel of "judges" does not look over the case and decide if the rape or murder or DUI was somehow the victims fault.

The few cases of "honor" killings in the UK/US are actually vigilanteism. They are citizens killing a rapist or a murderer that has injured their family in a "physical" or "tangible" way. Not because someone was embarrassed or their feelings hurt!!

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Thebudweiserstuntman

What I meant by that statement was that throwing acid on someone, making them swallow acid, stabbing and blinding them, all because he had loose associations with a married woman is an unacceptable way to act.

Jeese man, you are either really dense or just completely ignoring what I am saying...

I pointed out that you labeled ALL muslim countries "uncivilised."

I already stated in my very first post that anything of this nature is unacceptable no matter what the religion is behind it.

This is a no brainer.

What this boils down to, is you generalizing one billion people as uncivilized. Their are extremists in all religion, in all countries. Even here in America where some polygamists think it is ok to have sex with and marry 14 year old girls. And where women are raped on a daily basis. Pretty "uncivilized", dont you think? But if someone were to come in here and lebel the United States as uncivilised I would tell them they are full of it. Just as I telling you your statement that all muslim countries are uncivilized is beyond ignorant and complete rubbish.

Example: Dubai, in United Arab Emirates.

Pretty much the most advanced city in any country in the entire world. They are striving to compete with the likes of New York, Las Vegas, the Bahamas and other tourist attraction places. They currently hold the worlds largest hotel resort and are building the tallest buidling in the world. Not to mention the other billions of dollars they are pouring into other attractions. Such as a Disney World, and an entire "world" they are creating off their coast.

Sound "uncivilized" to you? If you think I am muslim or related to anyone of that decent you are incorrect. I am a white boy from Southern California. But I can reognize an ignorant statement when I see one.

And as I have already stated, it throws a red flag up when someone decides to post a news article about such dispicable acts, and then proceedes to chracterize a billion people as being uncivilized...

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by axehappy

My friend lives in Birmingham and has seen the same happening there. There is a mosque around the corner from his flat. People park all over the double yellow lines and on the pavement but never get a ticket.

If he parks outside his own flat he gets ticketed.

The traffic wardens have been specifically told not to ticket the cars outside the mosque for fear of upsetting.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
Bad comparison! Rapists and burglars and alcoholics are not justifying their actions with a "good book!" In most cases they don't justify their actions at all. Once they are caught, they know they are guilty.

Whoooo caresss!!!!

The law is the law!

Justifying your actions on a holy book, or on anger, or domestic dispute or whatever, it doesn't matter.

Sure i'll agree that fanaticism is probably the worst and most stupid motive, however under the eyes of the law it is completely irrelevant.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by open_eyeballs

It was a broad sweeping statement and I retract it.

I should have said 'less civilised'.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Thebudweiserstuntman
reply to post by axehappy

My friend lives in Birmingham and has seen the same happening there. There is a mosque around the corner from his flat. People park all over the double yellow lines and on the pavement but never get a ticket.

If he parks outside his own flat he gets ticketed.

The traffic wardens have been specifically told not to ticket the cars outside the mosque for fear of upsetting.

LOL. No parking tickets for fear of terrorist reprisal!!

Now that is a good strategy! My Masonic emblems were supposed to work for that also, but alas, I still get tickets!

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by getreadyalready
Bad comparison! Rapists and burglars and alcoholics are not justifying their actions with a "good book!" In most cases they don't justify their actions at all. Once they are caught, they know they are guilty.

Whoooo caresss!!!!

The law is the law!

Justifying your actions on a holy book, or on anger, or domestic dispute or whatever, it doesn't matter.

Sure i'll agree that fanaticism is probably the worst and most stupid motive, however under the eyes of the law it is completely irrelevant.

Well it matters if it works!! If they get away with this stuff, because of their religion, or their ignorance, or by their community protecting them, then it matters!

It also goes to the "civilized" argument being made. I don't know how widespread this stuff is in Muslim countries, but if it is widespread, then they are not civilized! If we only hear the few extreme cases, then I apologize.

Unfortunately the law is not blind! We see "hate" crimes differently. We are careful of people "civil" rights. We are careful to not make any "international" waves. A regular white guy like me would not be treated the same as one of these religious extremists. It might benefit me or it might injure me, but it would certainly be a consideration to contend with!

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
LOL. No parking tickets for fear of terrorist reprisal!!

Terroist reprisal?

That statement right there shows ALOT about your character, more than you could ever tell someone about yourself.

People who visit mosques are all terroists?

You just said that practicing muslims are all terroists.
Yes you did!

Originally posted by getreadyalready
Well it matters if it works!! If they get away with this stuff, because of their religion, or their ignorance, or by their community protecting them, then it matters!

Dude nobody in the western world will get away with throwing acid on someone's face regardless of their motive.

Come on man

You have more things to worry about than honor attacks, like an alarmingly growing trend of police brutality!

[edit on 24-7-2009 by ModernAcademia]

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:49 AM
Civilized this. civilized that.

Civilized compared to what? Yourselves? How arrogant.

It makes me feel like i am living in the 19th century.

I know why don't you all go to the Middle East and try and tame the savages?
Erm....wait a minute.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

The traffic wardens have been specifically told not to ticket the cars outside the mosque for fear of upsetting.

LOL! I said that in jest, because that is the implication of the police being ordered "not" to write them parking tickets. It isn't that I believe it is so.

Honestly, I am still undecided! They may be. I think I posted earlier that I have some Muslim friends here at the University, but as long as their is an open call for jihad, shouldn't I be worried for my safety?

[edit on 24-7-2009 by getreadyalready]

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Yes because majority of muslims practice jihads!

Excellent point!

Actually no, not really

Admit it dude, you have it against muslims
you having westernized muslim friends is irrelevant.

You dislike people that think and look differently than you
that's racism!

I'm hindu myslef, anything I should know about your feelings towards India?

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Kram09
Civilized this. civilized that.

Civilized compared to what? Yourselves? How arrogant.

It makes me feel like i am living in the 19th century.

I know why don't you all go to the Middle East and try and tame the savages?
Erm....wait a minute.

Grow up. If you can't see the difference then you're trolling or being a jerk. One of the two.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Grow up? How ironic....

I am merely observing upon the ignorance and downright obnoxious arrogance of certain poster's judging other people's cultures and religions upon their basis of their own.

Throwing the word civilized around as if this somehow justifies their supposed moral superiority and absolves them of any prejudiced or racist views.

At least try not to be so narrow minded.

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