Originally posted by DaisyAnne
So, he shouldn't comment or have an opinion on this because he is black?
Or is it just any president who shouldn't have opinions?
The President, regardless of who it is, shouldn't be commenting on any individual arrest. The President has absolutely (in the most definite sense)
no jurisdiction over local police matters, especially any given individual incident. It's just an absurd thing to comment about, especially
considering that he called the officer's actions "stupid". No other president has ever commented on anything like this incident because it just
isn't their business.
And while I believe Obama's comments to be misjudged rather than part of some active conspiracy, they can serve no purpose but to polarize the
I'll give it to you though, this issue is being overblown. It should be simple: uncooperative man in a potentially dangerous situation (the cop
thought a break in was in progress) is arrested, questioned, and released. He was not abused, his rights were not encroached, and there was a valid
reason for the arrest.
The only reason it's an issue, as you said, is because of race, but who's playing that up? The professor obviously, but do you think Obama would
have made the same comments had the same thing happened to a white colleague? I think it's possible that he might have, but wouldn't bet on it.
To sum it up, Obama's comments were out of line, uninformed (as he admitted), and down right rude. The only reason that the arrest is an issue
anyway is because the professor is playing up his race and downplaying his contributions to his arrest and the mass media is portraying that angle.
So DaisyAnne, even though I know I'm not the one your posts were aimed at, I wanted to show you what I think is a more moderate view of the issue
than a lot of the posts on this thread. I agree with a lot of what you say, but the reality of it is that this issue is in the spotlight for all the
wrong reasons and people should be upset that the President stepped into it with no reason and in such an undignified way.
[edit on 28-7-2009 by avingard]