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David Icke-Flu is not the biggest Danger....It's the Vaccine

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posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 10:30 PM
Sheesh...Icke leaves virtually no one out of this expose---Tying in the Rockefeller and Rothschild cabal's as the masterminds behind a coming forced vaccination sweep, using Illuminati sock puppet Obama as their ring-leader. lol.

Interesting read, whether you believe Icke or not. He tends to get a lot of stuff correct, or at least so has been the pattern in the past...

The Rockefeller-dominated Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States have said that children who have never had a flu 'shot' may need to be vaccinated four times in the Autumn - twice for seasonal flu and twice for swine flu. Making up for lost time, eh? Other children will get three shots - note the three, given Patrick Jordan's information.

The Rothschild-Rockfeller front-man, Barack Obama, has demanded that his 'health reform' bill is passed into law by August, just ahead of mass vaccination. The bill was approved this week by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee and it includes the targeting of parents who do not have their children vaccinated. It authorises the Orwellian 'demonstration program to improve immunization coverage'. The bill says:

'Under this program, CDC will provide grants to states to improve immunization coverage of children, adolescents, and adults through the use of evidence-based interventions. States may use funds to implement interventions that are recommended by the Community Preventive Services Task Force, such as reminders or recalls for patients or providers, or home visits.'

'Interventions'? Home visits? It is one step away from immunising your children by force or having you arrested for refusing to comply. World Health Organisation 'recommendations' are binding on its nearly 200 member countries when a pandemic emergency is declared under the International Health Regulations Act of 2005 and WHO pandemic plan of April this year.

Full Article:

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 11:53 PM
Although I am definitely against any type of "Forced" Vaccination effort, I do understand certain jobs and places requiring such (ie, such as schools and the like, where masses of young, undeveloped immune systems congregate on a daily basis). Where I grew up, Flu Vaccination was never a requirement for school enrollment, but certain other vaccinations and inoculations were.

In all honesty, people need to stop scaring people in an attempt to prevent them from vaccinating themselves against potentially deadly viruses. Vaccinations save countless lives on a daily basis, both directly and indirectly, and therefore they should not be "demonized". You can weight the risks if you wish, but for many people, the Vaccination is a far more pleasant option as opposed to severe illness and quite possibly death.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen
Although I am definitely against any type of "Forced" Vaccination effort, I do understand certain jobs and places requiring such (ie, such as schools and the like, where masses of young, undeveloped immune systems congregate on a daily basis). Where I grew up, Flu Vaccination was never a requirement for school enrollment, but certain other vaccinations and inoculations were.

In all honesty, people need to stop scaring people in an attempt to prevent them from vaccinating themselves against potentially deadly viruses. Vaccinations save countless lives on a daily basis, both directly and indirectly, and therefore they should not be "demonized". You can weight the risks if you wish, but for many people, the Vaccination is a far more pleasant option as opposed to severe illness and quite possibly death.

I'm kinda slow I guess. I wish someone would explain to me, in terms that a six year old could understand, what the science behind the flu vaccines is.

Let's see, it has mercury compounds, and possibly squalene. And other things in it.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen
Although I am definitely against any type of "Forced" Vaccination effort, I do understand certain jobs and places requiring such (ie, such as schools and the like, where masses of young, undeveloped immune systems congregate on a daily basis). Where I grew up, Flu Vaccination was never a requirement for school enrollment, but certain other vaccinations and inoculations were.

In all honesty, people need to stop scaring people in an attempt to prevent them from vaccinating themselves against potentially deadly viruses. Vaccinations save countless lives on a daily basis, both directly and indirectly, and therefore they should not be "demonized". You can weight the risks if you wish, but for many people, the Vaccination is a far more pleasant option as opposed to severe illness and quite possibly death.

I'm one of those considered high risk and im getting sick of all the anti vaccine information. If i had never been on a conspiracy site, i would never have questioned taking the vaccine as i have had vaccines for flu 2years ago.
Now i find myself overly concerned about swine flu. I guess when the time comes I will speak to my doctor and see what she suggests. my trust in my doctors has kept me alive so far. Im more inclined to trust my doctor than David Icke.


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