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What's wrong with us?

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posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 09:01 PM
This is just an observation and something I'm just as guilty of doing too.

The title of one of the longest threads at the moment and the one that is getting most attention is The end of "911 Conpiracy", and the beginning of "911 Common Knowledge" and it seems to me that the OP set out with the aim of making the conspiracy the "common knowledge" but in fact, judging by the percentage of the American public that believe the official story and all the posts here in support of the official story, we've just ended up with a really long thread that makes the official story common knowledge and we all knew that already!

This thread is currently 15 pages long and typically goes back and forth and round and round and gets absolutely nowhere!

Meanwhile, valid posts like Zysin5's Bail outs for THEM, But 9/11 Rescue Workers Can Fend for Themselves!! slowly die a death and end up going unnoticed and forgotten.

The victims of 9/11 didn't all die on 9/11, they are still dying today, but all we seem to concentrate on is getting our own points across and discrediting others and it is achieving nothing!

We don't know that the official story is a lie.

We don't know that there is a major government conspiracy.

We do know that people are still dying and these people are being treated appallingly!

Shouldn't that be our priority instead of continually trying to ram our "I'm right, you're wrong" posts down people's throats?


posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 09:19 PM
Both sides suffer from NADS.

It is in this post. It is the same argument and every 3 months new people come onto these boards and rehash the same tired arguments with no basis, reason or evidence. Every thread ends the same way. Every post ends up in the same boat.

New evidence.Where is NEW evidence and real evidence...not dust that could have been contaminated by tons of material that collapsed on 9/11. There is nothing wrong with us we have just agreed on what is right.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Mark_Amy

Great post S&F. I couldnt agree more. Only a small percentage of the US public believes 911 was a conspiracy, but now we have people running around saying that the conspiracy is accepted as fact. All the while we still have victims of 911 and their families suffering and nobody seems to care.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 07:40 AM
I`ve yet to see any OS supporter show conclusive evidence of what happened that day, even the F.B.I. and their infamous most wanted web site do not name Bin Laden for 9/11 due to no evidence linking him to the attacks, so what does the average forum debunker know that these anti terrorist units do not.

Basic laws of justice no matter what type of crime committed is thus....



3.Not guilty.

4.Bin Laden - no indictment = innocent due to no evidence.

How complicated is it to understand that the OS fails horribly at it`s intention of framing Al Qeada, we see it, the F.B.I see it, when will they?.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by Mark_Amy

Umm, excuse me, but where have you been? There was just a referendum that's going to ballot in NYC to vote on a new investigation into 9/11. Gotten by overwhelming pressure from the people.

You seen any polls like the Zogby and CNN polls showing that over 50% and in some cases as high as 84% believe that the government is at least hiding something, if not complicit?

You know that just recently two Citizens Grand Juries reached a verdict on the same day and indicted many Bush administration officials for the crimes of 911?

The originator of that thread is basically correct. The truth is slowly overtaking the criminals, and the official story has become the lie and the conspiracy.

So how about we get down to business and start discussing how a new investigation should proceed, who should be involved, where the funding will come from, and etc, etc.??

Or is that too much work to bring proper justice to the real 9/11 perpetrators?

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Umm, excuse me, but where have you been?

Umm, excuse me, but why are you attacking someone on the side of the victims?

Maybe you want to rethink your username!

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Seventh

There is no direct indictment against Bin Laden since he is wanted in Connection with embassy bombings that occurred before 9/11. He was not the master mind of 9/11, it was Khalid Mohammed or KSM. He is named with 4 or 5 others for the terror act that occurred on 9/11. It was found that during a meeting early in the process that KSM met with Zawahari and OBL and they agreed to assist with logistics and funding. This is just one in a list of anti-OS lies that are spread and incite a 'gotcha'.

What is wrong is most people do not want to take the time to see both sides of an argument and just jump on a bandwagon without proper research.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 10:00 AM

posted by TrueAmerican
Umm, excuse me, but where have you been?

posted by Mark_Amy
Umm, excuse me, but why are you attacking someone on the side of the victims?

Maybe you want to rethink your username!

How do you figure TrueAmerican is attacking someone on the side of the victims? We know where you stand. We agree with you in most instances.

post by Mark_Amy

Don't you think the lawsuits in New York will potentially cause more assistance to the victims of the 9-11 perps? Won't their exposure and possible convictions focus more public attention on the plight of the suffering 1st responders and other victims of 9-11? Won't potentially wide-open trials force more Americans away from their mesmerizing boob tube soap operas and game shows and silly competition arenas? Shouldn't education instill more patriotism and less apathy?

Wouldn't true Americans be concentrating on both justice for the 9-11 victims AND proper care for the victims? Don't we patriotic true American veterans focus on returning our brothers and sisters to our homeland from the greedy no-win wars AND also returning the abandoned POWs and MIAs AND obtaining proper care for them all? Shouldn't true Americans be consistent with our objectives?

posted by esdad71
There is no direct indictment against Bin Laden since he is wanted in Connection with embassy bombings that occurred before 9/11. He was not the master mind of 9/11, it was Khalid Mohammed or KSM.

So you too are rewriting the 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY? From the morning of 9-11 with Jerome Hauer live on TV with Dan Rather creating the official script; Usama bin Laden was the official mastermind of 9-11. It was only after Osama refused to cooperate and denied involvement in 9-11, and after the Bush Regime totally screwed-up the lousy faked Osama videos, that Osama was replaced by the tortured Khalid Sheikh Mohammed as the official Mastermind of 9-11.

But KSM made fools out of his CIA torturers and confessed to everything; most of which he could not possibly have done. So even still the idiot government which rules over us sometimes hints that the mastermind was Osama and then reverts back to KSM.

Truth is that obviously it was neither, and only a government entity with intelligence agencies and highly-trained military units and unlimited funds and almost total control of the press could have carried-out 9-11.

You need to open your eyes and look around you.

[edit on 7/23/09 by SPreston]

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Mark_Amy
We do know that people are still dying and these people are being treated appallingly!

Shouldn't that be our priority instead of continually trying to ram our "I'm right, you're wrong" posts down people's throats?

You're right. You're absolutely right. BUT...the conspiracy supporters simply don't care. The inner force driving them to promote these conspiracy stories isn't to learn the truth behind the 9/11 attack, but to convince others of what they themselves believe regardless of what the truth actually is. The sensitivity of the topic is a distant secondary importance, if even that.

How many times have you seen photos, videos, animation, etc of the planes striking the buildings and/or the collapse being posted to prove some conspiracy theory or another. We need to stop and realize this is the EXACT MOMENT IN TIME when hundreds of frightened people died. Imagine you had a brother, a wife, a mother, whatever, who had been killed on one of those planes. Now, imagine someone posting a cute little animation on some discussion board showing the plane he/she died on crashing into the towers in infinite repeat while claiming NO PLANES. I don't know about you, but if it were me, every time I'd see that it would feel like a knife stabbing me in the chest.

...and that's coming from the POLITE ones. One guy I talked to said the gov't shot all the people in the planes out and dumped them in the ocean, another said all the relatives of the victims who were killed were all secret disinformation agents pretending to mourn fake people, and one sick in the head [censored] even said the gov't murdered all the people on the planes, chopped up their bodies, and put the pieces in the cruise missile that was launched against the Pentagon to plant their DNA on the scene. I don't have to tell you all this rubbish is coming from their own personal psyche, rather than from any actual research.

I'm certainly not saying ALL conspiracy proponents behave this poorly, far from it. It's obvious some people have issues and are attracted to the 9/11 conspiracy movement for the anti-establishment outlet it offers them, and are making all the other people in the movement look bad. I'm saying that such people do in fact pollute the conspiracy movement and no amount of outcall for compassion and sensitivity will get them to change their ways.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 10:41 AM
The subject of 9/11 will be studied until solid answers are found.

We have no solid evidence of who is actually responsible for that heinous killing of American lives.

It is our nature to investigate a situation until we are satisfied with the answer.

I agree with true American. It is time to find answers so the guilty can be punished. I applaud the new effort that is starting.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by SPreston
How do you figure TrueAmerican is attacking someone on the side of the victims? We know where you stand. We agree with you in most instances.

It was just the tone of the post that ticked me off. I don't believe the official story and I know there will be a new investigation and I look forward to posts discussing how the new investigation should be handled etc. The whole point of my OP was my frustration with these posts that go back and forth talking about such things like the steel being able to melt or how the steel couldn't melt and things like that that go on page after page and just seem so pointless.

There are posts on this site dating back to 2002 and they are no different. They look like they could have been written by the same people, yesterday. Seven years later and these same arguments still go round in circles!

Nowadays it just seems like a contest. Which side will win, the "truthers" or the "debunkers", stay tuned for the thrilling season finale!

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 11:41 AM
People are polarized on their answers because people wanted punishment for that black eye that we sustained.

Call it whatever, it was a black eye. It was sharp, it stung, it hurt, but it was not a crippling blow.

the new investigation should pull from CSI units on the other side of the nation, so that the eyes are fresh and as uncorrupted as possible. Ideally, people should be put into a hopper and some joker select 30 of them randomly.

The answers are there, but no one is going to believe it because they are so invested in their version taht they will erect superhigh standards for the data to surmount, ensuring they are never 'proven' wrong.

Everyone should blue-pill this incident and look at it fresh - its the only way to make sure we are looking for truth, not for what matches our preconceived notions.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
reply to post by Seventh

There is no direct indictment against Bin Laden since he is wanted in Connection with embassy bombings that occurred before 9/11. He was not the master mind of 9/11, it was Khalid Mohammed or KSM. He is named with 4 or 5 others for the terror act that occurred on 9/11. It was found that during a meeting early in the process that KSM met with Zawahari and OBL and they agreed to assist with logistics and funding. This is just one in a list of anti-OS lies that are spread and incite a 'gotcha'.

What is wrong is most people do not want to take the time to see both sides of an argument and just jump on a bandwagon without proper research.

American forces... `Hand over Bin Laden`.

Taliban... `Why?`.

American forces... `Because he is responsible for 9/11`.

Taliban... `Sure, we will do this upon receipt of evidence enforcing this`.

American forces... `Fck, chaaaaaaaarge`.

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