Based on my years of research on the global elite families, Ive determined that 3 key tools are used to control the masses. In no particular
1. trends
2. infotainment
3. military
Anyone ever wonder why a trend starts and how ?
For example look at Twitter, one day Ashten Kutcher is using it and a week later the President of the United States uses it as well.
Is it mere luck that the masses suddenly find Facebook or myspace. What makes everyone wear Crocs one day and doc martin's the next ?
Its actually not by accident as many believe. It starts from the top and works its way down. The Rothchilds and Rockefeller families own the
multinational conglomerates that start these trends. Its given credibility by a celebrity using it. The tabloids follow their directives and cover
these latest fads and suddenly the masses are clamoring to follow the sheep herders.
The purpose in my opinion is distraction pure and simple. It keeps the masses from realizing how bad life really is these days.
Infotainment is clever. Its entertainment, gossip, comedy, some mix of real news but warped, all mixed into a soup of what we call the Information
How ironic that despite this Information Age, people really know very little of the reality of life around them.
The Colbert Report on US stations is a classic example of warping news and splashing in some comedy. Watch as he has serious topics with guests like
Ron Paul made into a total joke. And its dam entertaining. My teenage son and his friends all love and follow the show.
Another irony of this so-called information age is reality television. If you have any insider knowledge, your aware then that there is virtually
nothing real about these shows. Im about to ruin a lot of fans opinions of the Bachelorette so dont read on if you to remain blind....
There is a character called Wes on the current show. He has been edited to show us the jerk of this season. He apparently has a girlfriend and is just
on the show for his singing career. Problem is he doesnt have a girlfriend and they did whats called monster editing to make it sound like he was
claiming he did. I watch the Guys tell All show and im sick when i see these pathetic woman in the audience boo any reference to Wes. These sheep see
what ABC wants them to see and they actually believe it. Reminds me of that movie The Running Man....
The magazines today pose as news and information but theyre just infotainment also. They focus on pointless and unimportant topics to again turn
people's attention elsewhere.
Look at the coverage these infotrash mags gave to Michael Jackson's death. How many americans are even aware that congress passed the biggest tax
increase in the history of the world that day ? They wont be aware or given a chance to debate the BS that this bill represents because its the job of
infotainment to keep the sheep blind.
Im amazed that people still look on the military as an honorable institution. Dont get me wrong, I believe the military is full of honorable men but
its purpose is destructive.
Read my experiences and how it woke me up to the way the world really works here....
How is it possible that 200 rich white elderly men can control the planet ? very simply by using patriots who feel their actions are necessary.
Look at Iraq, we know there arent any weapons of mass destruction there. The reason we went is a total lie. So to get soldiers to remain in that
ravaged land, were now told well we cant just leave or terrorists will take over. Nevermind that we armed and trained the terrorists to begin with.
If you want to see how a war really starts, look at the banks who loan the money. Look at the corporations that sell the weaponry. And if yougua look
deep enough you'll learn that both bank and weapon corp have the same parent company. Oh and that same parent corp is selling / loaning to both
sides. And when the war ends loans will go out to pay to rebuild.
Today the military is nothing more than a tool of force these elite use to gain a little more control.
Niceragua, panama, iran, are just a few nations that dared to try and make poverty go away by taking back the elite's land, banks, and stealing of
national resources.
Read a book called Confessions of an Economic Hitman to learn more.
So what chance do us sheep have to save this planet and ourselves from these eugenic mad elitist ? Most of us arent even aware that what we see, read,
and hear are a total lie. And our sons, daughters, and friends continue to line up at recruiter offices to enforce these lies.