posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 12:26 AM
Doesn't anyone find it odd that the teaching presented doesn't even mention the fire aspect of spirit baptism?
Matthew 3:11, and Luke 3:16 both record John saying there is a fire aspect to the baptism. The whole reason John came baptizing was so that Jesus
can be revealed. This is and has been an ongoing process for the last couple thousand years until the full number of the Gentiles have come in.
People who are baptized with John's water baptism acknowledge, that God's way is the right way.
Everyone knows from scripture, that fire has different meanings. There is a fire that burns and consumes, we'll call this regular fire. There is
also another fire that burns but does not consume, we'll call this one spiritual fire. An example of this fire would be when God called to Moses and
asked him to remove his shoes and the Lord appeared within the flames of a bush - but the bush was not consumed.
Where water baptism is about cleansing the outer man, spirit baptism is all about cleansing the inside of man. Just as we go down in the water to put
off the old man, we rise back up out of the water to the newness of life. This water baptism also mimicks, the spiritual baptism that Jesus gives to
the ones he chooses to reveal it to, for Jesus is the one who taught us to pray: "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, AS IT IS DONE IN
I want to tell you that the fire baptism, that Jesus gives starts in your feet, but unless you have experienced it - you won't believe me, so I'm
going to try to explain it through Jesus' own words, to better help you understand why the fire starts in your feet.
'You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.'
'Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.'
'A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean.' These three sayings are recorded in John 13.
It is exactly like a divine spark ignites, but whether it's in our blood system and this is the seal of the blood covenant or it is in our nervous
system - I can't say for sure. Please don't think that the phrase 'divine spark' is just some hokey gnostic phrase because it's not. The
concept of a divine spark is a very Jewish concept.
So the divine spark ignites, it works it's way up.... up..... up, cleansing our body, which is a temple. Just as Jesus phycially cleaned out the
temple in Jerusalem, he cleanses us too. There is so much more to say about this baptism, that my mortal words could never do it justice, so I'm not
going to try. But what goes down must come up, for there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed and Jesus himself is the kindler of the fire.
This is rapture! Instantly changed. Personally chosen. The first to be resurrected. Beloved disciples. Chosen to judge with him.
Imperfect people who make mistakes but he shows them mercy, kindness, forgiveness, compassion and a love that compares to no other.
And all judges need to have these qualities or noone will be saved.