posted on Nov, 10 2015 @ 03:58 PM
It explains a lot about ghosts, posession and reincarnation. I think there is an understanding in psychiartry. Freud talks about dividing the mind
into The Id, The Ego, and The Superego. The soul may infact be the Superego, keeping The Id under control, The Ego as the interface between the two,
and The Id as the controller of the body. The Id being in control of the survival impulses in contrl of the body alone may leave us in an animalistic
state, something resembling cave men. If it is a symbiotic lifeform it may have found our species and taken control around that time, forging modern
life over a great many years. Ghosts are attracted to and use energy, they can drain a person if they get close enough. The soul may have been looking
for a sustainable source of energy and found it in homosapiens. Freud also talks about The Id producing Mental Energy, this may be what the soul lives
on. If a soul can take control of our bodies then a ghost as a disembodied soul may be able to do the same. Posession of the body may be just
dependant upon the time the soul has lived in the body. Astral projection is a sort of projection of your soul, it going for a walk without it's body.
If the soul is a seperate lifeform, the way it bonds with the may impare the memory, thus rendering past body posession memories inaccessable to the
conciousness. Hypnotic regression helps bring back these memories, but i have not heard of anyone reporting heaven or hell, I don't believe in
structured religion, but see it as a form of control through fear, saying that a state of prayer is a focus of the mind and a form of meditation,
mediums, spirit comunication, planes of existance/vibration. The idea of a soul being a symbiotic lifeform holds a lot of weight in explaining about
afterlives and spirits in a more understandable way. The big question is are we the body with the soul clinging on or are we the soul contolling a bag
of flesh, and is it fair or is it slavery?