Now, it's not really like any of this discourse really matters, since the NWO, Illuminati, and Concealed Government tyranny are "Not Real"... but
it seems to me that the overall tactic for combating these supposed agencies is merely a form of information distribution.
Which would be all well and good... but if All of the prisoners of a particular prison discover that they are ACTUALLY in prison, they are, in
It seems to me that most of these "Truthers" are content only to diuldge information to the public at large, thinking that this by itself will cause
the wheels of society to move inexorably towards freedom.
And of this, I am most unconvinced.
It would seem to me, that if this conspiracy in fact *DID* exist, than spreading knowledge would only be the first part of the battle, known as
But what of the second?
Now, hypothetically speaking, you could not really use the Internet for recruitment, or tactical purposes, since (if the stories are to be believed)
than the internet is most assuredly being monitored with keyword filters, AI personality profiles, and the like.
So, while the internet would be useful for "Waking people up", that is primarily where its effectiveness ends.
So, what (Non truth spreading) tactics do you think would work, or would employ, if the Illuminati existed?
I will take first crack at this, since it is my thread, and to sort of gie you a general guideline of tactical, and logistical maneuvers of the
Gorilla type.
Firstly, a solid understanding of the enemies resources should be taken into account. Now, by normal estimates, the "Enemy" in this case has control
of the might of the armed forces of the world (minus any impeded Resistors), and that amounts to several million well equipped soldiers, support
systems, military hardware, provisions, intelligence technologies, and services.
At first glance this would seem to be a formidable opponent, but there is no such thing as an unassailable position.
Now, first and foremost, any army functions on the dynamics of Logistics, Economics, and Energy.
An army cannot function without funding (Labor to produce services, including the soldiers pay), The necessary energy required to move munitions,
soldiers, etc from site to site (Used to be horses, and mules, is now Gasoline, Kerosene, and U235-238), and of course, a solid chain of command to
turn the entire mass of peoples in the military into a cohesive whole, with information sources being fed into the upper echelons, and orders
descending to the lowest levels through intermediate sub commanders, and so forth.
Now, you may say that in this Illuminati scenario, the army would not necessarily be the enemy.
And to this I would reply, that in all cases, (if the Illuminati DO exist) they have hid themselves behind the actual power structure, and manipulated
its "Perceptions" to create the desired results.
Take for instance, the Officers, and soldiers in Germany.
I would highly doubt that any humans (In such large numbers) would be so transparently cruel, unless they had their actions in some way "Justified"
in their own mind.
And as history has shown, that all wars, aggressions, and such maneuvers have been justified beforehand to the soldiers, and then their minds are
fully capable of dealing out such cruelties, because their minds (Conscience) have been subverted by one justification or another.
So, to rule out the military being used by this Mythical "Illuminati" would be quite childish, and blind.
Plus, Military tactics do not necessarily run parallel to scientific knowledge... as mostly, he who waits for proof, is too late.
So, before we could conceivably select a battle strategy against these "Shadow" people, we would have to first define their motives, and then
construct a counter motive to assault their strategy with.
From what I can divine from the "enemy" (From all of that conspiracy stuff out there) that would conceivably be consistent across all conspiracy
topics, are the following:
-Our Enemy.
A relatively small group of extremely hidden, and wealthy individuals, their supporters (minions), inheritors (Familial), Friends (associates, allies,
etc) and "Assets" (People coerced into allies through force, bribery, threats, coercion, blackmail, etc.)
-Their Motives.
Complete control of the entire world through banking (Financial), Agriculture (Genetic food requiring certain chemicals, terminator seeds, food codes,
etc), Technology (Through disinformation, hidden technologies, and forced scientists), Military (Strength of arms, military tech, logistics,
surveillance, intelligence, espionage(infiltration), and subversion of perceived threats), Manipulation (Media Neuro Linguistic Programming, Dumbing
Down, indoctrination, ridicule of threats and whistleblowers, and complete media dominance), Chemical Warfare (Flouride to sterilize/passify/stupify,
Mercury to stupify/confuse, Chemtrails to attack immune systems, plastics to passify, etc, etc, etc), Division of the populous (along racial, gender,
religious, and economic lines to prevent a unified resistance), Patriotic inspired hatred of other countries and nationalities (To prevent a worldwide
response to their tyranny), Constant warfare (to keep the populous under control, take new lands and resources, enforce their economic models,