Amongst all the doom and gloom here I thought let`s have some fun. Somewhere in this scaled down picture is the alleged Bin Laden video, put a cross
where you think it is (no cheating).....
Are we looking for a rectangle with a bearded ay-rab glaring out at us? Are we looking for real Binny or fake Binny? Since I don't have my
Binny-spotting pigeon with me, a little hint won't ruin the game.
And . . . OK, I didn't get him, the pigeon did. When I didn't get any hints I just went up to the landing and brought down Coco. As soon as she got
near the screen she started pecking at him and then crapped on my keyboard. She's back upstairs now eating a bowl of popcorn.
This is Jalalabad the place where the alleged Bin Laden video was found, it was located in Ahmed`s porno collection featuring camels and inflatable
Dick Cheney`s .
This gives a better perspective of just how big this place is, another well found item regarding the F.B.I.`s locating vital evidence radars they seem
to all have..........