posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 06:35 PM
To make a case here, I have to assume a few things.
I have to assume that you understand that the Federal Reserve and Bank of England and other currency issuing banks, have been used to create the
economic crisis in the US and throughout the world.
That this crisis has been aided and abetted by the NWO in the US, mainly through its major banking agencies - Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Chase bank.
Also that these banks are linked through the central banking system to the NWO in Europe, and this banking monopoly is centered and administered by
the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland.
That the purpose of this crisis is to create a peasant class, eternally working, yet always in debt, who's entire lifes work is paid in interest to
the banks - a form of economic slavery.
Further that the World Bank and the IMF are partners of this banking monopoly, and their task is to create debt in third world nations that can never
be repaid - but rather they are eternally in debt, slaves to this banking monopoly.
While there are things that can be done to prepare for severe economic hardship - these are the things that can be done by individuals that may have
some negative impact on the NWO.
Firstly - if your home is foreclosed - ensure that you attend court and demand that the bank produce the title or deed if they intend to try and take
your home. In Many, many cases they will not be able to produce this document - meaning they have no legal title to your home.
Secondly, if you have little or no income - and are offered credit cards from the above mentioned banks - accept and draw them to maximum, and simply
default on the payments. If they want to take you to court - don't go.
If you have an income and wish to buy something - do not use credit. Try and create a private contract between buyer and seller - agreeing to pay in
installments, you don't need a lawyer - a hand written contract is admissible if you have any problems. This can be used for a home, car or business
- avoid the banks and credit markets - simply make agreements between individuals - like we have always been able to. You can set payments, and
interest and any other conditions mutually acceptable to both of you.
If you absolutely wish to use a loan - then make sure it is not one of the banking agencies described above - even if you have to pay a little more,
you will be fighting the NWO.
Start to accumulate some silver coins - use these for trade as much as possible, or even work for food, goods or accommodation - the more people
alternatives - then the more they will be accepted. If you can get silver or an alternative readily accepted within your community - then you will
have begun to undermine their use of money to enslave you.
Contracts between people have always been an option - and if we had used this method rather than relying on banks, then we would never have sold the
world to these banks.
Their power relies on us borrowing from them - simply stop doing it, or preferably - borrow and then default and keep your assets.
[edit on 20-7-2009 by Amagnon]
[edit on 20-7-2009 by Amagnon]