posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 04:19 PM
Sickening! and form what i read on other post..its so their souls wouldnt go to heaven. How evil can people get..seems to be the game were all in on
these days. Too bad for those guys who did the rapings. In any least as far as what ive learned, god will accept you into heaven,
depending on whats in yuor heart for him. HE knows. Witht he exception of msulilm i guess. A woman i work wtih, msulim, form ban gladesh, says in her
muslim, everyone goes to heaven, their is no hell.
These guys, are DEF goin south of heaven..that is for sure. ANd they willingly gave in and chose this path. I hope, Damn do i hope those
involved, from the rapings to the mastermind and concept of it, are 'dealt with acordingly'. IN one sense, i wound not mind at all, if ISrael atacks
these guys and their section of IRan...ide DEF suopport it.