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Obama's Birth Certificate... How to solve the problem?

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posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
Heres a simple solution. Provide the solid evidence that indicates Obama to have been born off US soil then the whitehouse will have no choice but to release the long form. Does anybody here have evidence that Obama was born off US soil? Or does anybody here with the gut to admit their belief in this conspiracy is actually based on no evidence what so ever?


Why do you continually fail to grasp the VERY simple construct that this is NOT a criminal trial that requires the "Prosecutor" to provide "Evidence" beyond a preponderance of doubt? No grand jury has been convened and no criminal prosecution is at hand.

This is a Constitutional and civil matter where the onus of evidence is upon the individual claiming to have met the requirements. Ergo Driver's License, Marriage License, Passport, I-9, Selective Service Registration etc... There are STATUTORY requirements that must be VALIDATED in order to secure the aforementioned credentials. Certainly one with even a slight bit of logic and rational could grasp such a simple concpet, no?

Although not clearly spelled out in the Constitution, it is the job of the Legislative Branch to vet such credentials. However, in the absence of having done so, the same Constitution guarantees that the citizens of this country be given redress of grievances - something which neither the Legislative, Judicial or Executive Branch have done.

Are you getting this yet? It is up to Obama to PROVE that he is, in fact eligible - not the other way around.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

What proof do you have that he was born ON U.S. soil...?

His short form birth certificate, which is a certification of birth under US law which has been verified by the Hawaiian health department and state government. Under Hawaiian law prior to 1982 with statute 338 you had to have been born in the United states to gain an Hawaiian birth certificate.

[edit on 20-7-2009 by Southern Guardian]

BFD! So he applied for and received a Certificate of Live Birth in 1993!?!? Since he has conveniently blacked out the certificate number we have no way of knowing when it was issued. Although logic dictates that it was likely in the late 1980s or later as his father's race is listed as "African" as opposed to "Negro" which was the term used up until, and for a short time after, 1982. So again, your "Proof" is not proof at all!

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by breakingdradles
You have about as much chance asking for the other 80+ copies of video showing the "plane" hitting the pentagon.

Also on a side note, why has he spent millions of his own dollars going around and sealing things like grades and applications to schools?

An innocent man has nothing to hide.

Star for you amigo.

Good deeds are done in the light of day, trickery likes the shadows.

Hide and Obfuscate is the plan for now.

I think ppl got a better chance of sneaking into his schools and
looking at his financial aide requests ( if they have not been replaced )
and you will see he filed for aide as a foreign student.

Barry Sotero has got some game, that is for sure.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by kozmo

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

What proof do you have that he was born ON U.S. soil...?

[edit on 20-7-2009 by Southern Guardian]

Although logic dictates that it was likely in the late 1980s or later as his father's race is listed as "African" as opposed to "Negro" which was the term used up until, and for a short time after, 1982. So again, your "Proof" is not proof at all!

This is one of the keystones ppl keep missing in this argument,
well stated, and a star for you.

I don't have a problem with his skin color, but I don't like his politics,
and I don't like the other ppls agenda he is following.

William Ayers, Rezko, and Jeremiah Wright are not the content
of character I was looking for...

This cult of death in the Ecoscience book doesn't win my heart over either.

The short form BC is used to do fake ID's by illegal aliens all over
the US to get benefits illegally here.

The MSM has covered that.

Document Frauds faking papers for thousands of illegals

If a poor border jumper can pull that one, a millionaire with billionaire
backing can pull a better Shimmysham.

[edit on 21-7-2009 by Ex_MislTech]

[edit on 21-7-2009 by Ex_MislTech]

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
I'm not aware of the exact figures of Obama's defense costs but from what I could find, the figures came out to the following as of March 2009:

Obama campaign has paid $1,066,691.90 to fight eligibility lawsuits

And, according to campaign finance reports, his Political Action Committee Obama for America has paid $1,066,691.90 to the Perkins Coie law firm between Oct. 16, 2008 and March 30, 2009 to fight every legal challenge requesting proof of his constitutional eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States.

It's a conservative source so that may not be adequate for you since you requested non partisan but those are the estimates I could find. The number has most likely increased quite a bit as of March.
Funny thing about public record... it's public. So looking at that March report, you know, the one where your source claims $1,066,691.90 went to Perkins Coie? Turns out only $67,960.88 did. So did your source inflate the numbers by almost a million, because that's how it looks...

EDIT: scratch that. My link only showed one month. nevermind.

[edit on 7/22/2009 by JoshNorton]

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 06:03 PM
So to believe Obama somehow "snuck around" the US Constitution you would have to believe:

  1. The vast Republican Party didn't bother researching the matter, before, during, or after the election and just kind of dropped it (Karl Rove, eat your heart out!)
  2. Bush/Cheney had no interest in using their power to get to the bottom of the matter (and those 2 NEVER enjoyed abusing their power - they are honorable men)
  3. The State Department neglected to look into the matter before the election took place (...after all, what does the State Department know about citizenship!?!?)
  4. The Secret Service didn't look into the matter (They don't take protecting the office of US President seriously at all - lazy jerks)
  5. The CIA/NSA just allowed a deep cover foreign agent to ursurp Executive Power of the USA without looking into the matter (They have no authority/ability/budget to find a slick enough secret agent to infiltrate the hall of records in Hawaii!!! That place is impenetrable!!)
  6. There are no whistle blowers working in the State of Hawaii (those liberal surfers!)
  7. There is some vast orchestrated conspiracy between both political parties/U.S. intelligence/justice department to hush the matter up (THEY are all in it together!!)

You birthers are so hopelessly myopic in your pipe dream of getting rid of Obama as President you have lost all sense of reasoning. Well, now you know what it feels like to be part of a mob suffering from mass hysteria. Kind of sucks, don't it?

[edit on 22-7-2009 by harrytuttle]

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by harrytuttle

I'm not worried about having to get rid of Fidel Obama - he'll do that all by himself. Seems like he's well on his way. His approvel rating is plummeting like and airplane out of gas!

At the rate he's going, he'll be recalled by this time next summer. I mean honestly, has the guy kept one single campaign promise? People are starting to wise up.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by kozmo

In otherwords you have nothing on the man other than the fact what his provided does not satisfy you... (as if anything else the man does will ever satisfy you )

Well Im sorry it doesnt work that way. Your asking for more proof, you dont have the standing to ask for more proof. What his provided is sufficient enough. I'll say it again to you, if you want that long form your going to have provide evidence he was born off soil. If you intend to promote this conspiracy you'd be better proving to the rest of us that this goes beyond the realm of speculation and personal dissatisfaction.


[edit on 22-7-2009 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Originally posted by dampnickers
There has been a lot of discussion on here about Obama and his certificate of birth. Even the difference between a "birth certificate" and a "certificate of live birth".

However, from what I have actually seen a lot of it (if not all of it) is just talk.

Can any one ATS member here say that they have actually written a letter to Barack Obama asking him to release his Birth Certificate?

Heres a simple solution. Provide the solid evidence that indicates Obama to have been born off US soil then the whitehouse will have no choice but to release the long form. Does anybody here have evidence that Obama was born off US soil? Or does anybody here with the gut to admit their belief in this conspiracy is actually based on no evidence what so ever?


Have these "birthers" any records of Barack being "naturalized"? If not, he is either a U.S. citizen or an illegal immigrant.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 07:46 AM
The best thing that everyone could do is to drop this issue and focus on the agenda of the Obama administration which has the potential to completely destroy this nation. At best the birth issue will prove a beneficial distraction for the Obama administration diverting the focus of the opposition onto a legal matter that could be drawn out in proceedings for the entirety of Obama's term. He would like for more of the opposition to bite on this issue and focus on it.

It is a waste of time period.

Even if it can be proven that he is not eligible to be president, it can be tied up for years in the legal system, and remember he has executive privileges as President so really, no matter what the truth is, it will hardly matter if he has the time to successfully push through his agendas.

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