posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 02:51 AM
Meditation has as much variety as the variety of the beings who meditate.
For me, meditation is activity. Do you have something that gets you into the "zone"? That's meditation right there.
Any activity where your creative thoughts are required to operate your body with no input from your conscious, your mind is then free to be clear.
Yeah, sitting meditation is good, and is a part of what i'm saying, but that can only take one so far. You gotta be good at something or there will
be no canvas on which to paint your life's picture.
For me, I use a variety of activities. Skateboarding, hardcore biking(BMX,MTB,freeride,biketrials, and motocross), adventure race style hiking and
running, painting, graffiti arts (legal) and also freestyle lyricism. I used to shoot pool at a pretty ridiculous level, owning tournaments, getting
paid for it for a bit. These, and all the above activities require an exceptional amount of skill to perform to a level where all aspects of focus
come into place.
Any of these activities, and a whole range of other stuff can help you learn to direct focus. You could write, sing, dance, surf, tie flies, play
guitar, or engage in martial arts and weaponry.
When you find your thing, what you're good at, actively use it for meditation. It's an excuse to control your breathing, on focusing on the real
now, and occupying your brain with the immediate need to process a single complex task. At this point you're 90% there. Just let go. Abandon
everything when you reach that point. The zone, when you're flawless and formless in your expression, you can't miss, your mind is empty, you're
on autopilot. That's what you want to reach if you're able to do active meditation.
For sitting meditation, surround yourself with a harmonious setting, nature is best, under a tree away from the world gets you away from the "hum".
You don't have to sit, just be still in a comfortable position where breathing is unrestricted.
My method, I'll use sitting meditation to prepare for my active meditation.
Try not to use words in your thoughts, words are limits and barriers, judgements, assessments, and calculations, especially in english, where there's
so many alternate and meaningless words. Words are shallow, don't allow them to constrain you. What you seek is not something there is a word or
a gajillion words for.