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Ways out of the vaccine?

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posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 06:57 PM
In the case of the vaccine becoming mandatory (in a worst case scenario), would the vaccine be enforced against those who have already recovered from the flu? Currently the government (in UK at least), are not testing people and instead treating them in the mind that they already have swine flu. I guess what I'm really asking, to make life easier, is if we 'pretend' to have the flu now, would it give us a get out clause should a mandatory vaccine be introduced?

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by JennyJen
In the case of the vaccine becoming mandatory (in a worst case scenario), would the vaccine be enforced against those who have already recovered from the flu? Currently the government (in UK at least), are not testing people and instead treating them in the mind that they already have swine flu. I guess what I'm really asking, to make life easier, is if we 'pretend' to have the flu now, would it give us a get out clause should a mandatory vaccine be introduced?

You must first find out the ways they would use to verify and determine who has already had this vaccine and then find a way to forge that and create a document.

I have no idea if or how that would be possible but I assume that would be the easiest way as something similar to what people do with fake I.D.'s.....

I doubt the verification would be as sophisticated as a driver's license and if so then that means they put a lot of money into " getting us vaccinated " at a time when money is becoming scarce and people and governments are forced to cut back..

Would indicate something fishy to me....

This is all a big if though...

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 07:25 PM
i know my way out of it.
it is the 2nd amendment of the us consitution

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by LucidDreamer85
You must first find out the ways they would use to verify and determine who has already had this vaccine and then find a way to forge that and create a document.

I have no idea if or how that would be possible but I assume that would be the easiest way as something similar to what people do with fake I.D.'s.....

In the UK that would be very difficult - all our medical records are now computerised - you would need some way to change your details on there, nothings impossible but it's not as straight froward as a simple document.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 09:04 PM
A way out of the vaccine would be to pay off your doctor. Slip him a couple hundred in cash if he squirts the shot in the sink. Than you still get your verification slip and all is well, and you can start watching the whole populace around you drop like flies.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 09:46 PM
Put your kid through med school so you have a doctor in the family.

I would suggest doing it anyway as the near future holds many uncertainties and when it comes time to go off grid, at least you will always have a DR or 2 in the family you can trust.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by bigfoot1212

Amen- with you 100% (unfortunately we have to defend ouselves against our county- but that's why the 2nd Amendment exists).

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by Now_Then

I think we'll have a similar difficulty in the US- Obama is pushing the Health care bill through hard- and it will require electronic medical files. We might not be able to fake our way out, either, with a stamped vaccine card, etc.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by wiredamerican

That's our plan with our nurse frinds. They are ER and ICU, respectively, and will do whatever is required to protect us.


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