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Hello from Scotland

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posted on May, 8 2004 @ 07:54 PM
Hello I am a newbee .I haven't introduced myself.I am a haggis-muncher from Scotland .I,m new to computers but like the AST site- very good forum.I'm interested in UFOs ,astronomy,conspiricies ETC.I have a very distasteful sense of humour and I'll try not to offend too many people.Nice to be here

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 07:54 PM
Welcome, glad to have you aboard!

[Edited on 8-5-2004 by kinglizard]

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 07:58 PM
Welcome to the board. Enjoy your stay!

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 08:03 PM
Hi. Nice kilt.

I'm new to some acronyms. What's the "tep" part?

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 08:06 PM
Welcome and Enjoy the Board!

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 08:16 PM
imhotep was the name of an ancient egyptian mystic and architect.He was responsible for the first pyramid.Its a little bit pretentious but it was an impulsive decision

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 08:24 PM
Nice choice.

I thought you were also playing on the "In my humble opinion" acronym, as evidenced by your early posting, LOL.

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 08:32 PM
Hello imhotep
welcome to ats glad to have you on board cya around


posted on May, 8 2004 @ 08:50 PM
Welcome to ATS! I am planning on going to Scotland (vacation) next year to hunt up some Ogam rune sites. Nice to see a Scot onboard!

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 09:27 PM
Welcome to ATS, hope you like the site... blah blah blah the
Welcome to ATS hope you like the site and have fun

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 09:32 PM
Thank you. Finally!

Welcome imhotep

We're all hoping for a sense of humour around here. Join In!

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 01:31 AM
Away, the noo !!! ... I've nae been tae a bonnier place than the Heilands, ye ken ! Even at a temperature of minus 23 in Inverness !!!

I'm stuck in the colonies for now, but I'll definitely be visiting the Highlands again as soon as I can !

Welcome to ATS, Imhotep.

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 06:48 AM
Hey good to have another Scot on board, where abouts in Scotland ya from?

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 09:22 AM
Hello, inhotep, and welcomme to the board.

I think you'll enjoy yourself here, there are many varied thoughts and opinions here, and many new ideas to experience. Please, share your thoughts so that we might experience yours, too.

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 03:24 PM
hey welcome to ATS
rock on !
abnother scotsman aomg our ranks

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 07:09 PM
Just like to say thanks to everyone for making me feel welcome .Haggis muncher .


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