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Retired general, lieutenant colonel join reservist's Obama suit

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posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by Rams59lb

Yes, I speak for all white men who voted for Obama,

No, you do not. You have no clue what you are talking about because you could not be more wrong. As a white man, I think I can speak for myself and so far you have not even come close "snip"

You go ahead and show me that all white men agree with what you are saying with some kind of proof and cool. You will not get that, but I do not mind if you try.

please don't circumvent the censors and courtsey is mandatory.
edited by gallopinghordes

[edit on 19-7-2009 by gallopinghordes]

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 01:32 AM
And heres something interesting that birthers should have gotten into their heads before jumping the gun and assuming Cook somehow won this case (From the OPs own source)

Last week, Cook filed a request in federal court seeking a temporary restraining order and status as a conscientious objector represented by California attorney Orly Taitz.

The government, in its response to the suit, claims that Cook’s suit is “moot” in that he already has been told he doesn’t have to go to Afghanistan, so the relief he is seeking has been granted.

“The Commanding General of SOCCENT (U.S. Special Operations Central Command) has determined that he does not want the services of Major Cook, and has revoked his deployment orders,” the response states.

Also it should be noted Mr Cook joined in May this year during which Obama was already 5 months into his presidency.

I mean are ya'll serious here?

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 01:39 AM
Alright I'll say something about the court case to at least make something on this thread look on topic.

Soldiers serve the Constitution. That's it. They are commanded by the President, but should there be a questioning of the orders or of the President's viability on the Soldier's part, it is their right/duty to say so and make sure the one giving them orders has the power to do so.

That's not my idea, that actually comes from 2 Colonels and a Major who came and talked at my university AFTER Obama was elected. Someone asked about a similar court case and this was their response. One of the Colonels has since been promoted and the Major was with the Army JAG I think.

Now I draw a line to seprate my thoughts and theirs because I respect them.
Ok, my opinion from here on out. Flame this, not above.

My gauge on this whole thing is that we have enough issues to worry about without bugging this. BUT if we do not have a viable leader who has the respect of the people and follows the rules the things that need to be done to get through the dark times ahead won't be done.

Taking away for a moment any connections to the NWO or whatever you think is pulling the strings (or if there are strings), I still find far too many question marks for the information provided by Obama to sate. That's not a hit on what his genes are its a question mark I see over his past. We have the right as citizens to ask for proof our leaders are who they say they are, rarely used but its there. If he was born in Kenya or a plane the way to Hawaii or in a laboratory in Russia, we have to responsibility to ask "Hey, tell us truthfully where you were born and make sure you can back it up with all of the relevant documents in detail." This is done for lower levels of politics and from what I've heard, tournament play in some little league games, so for President, its not really an argument to say "He's shown enough." Until everything is out.

Now to be fair I thought that McCain was too much like Bush to be allowed to run. Really they should give people personality tests. When no one disagrees with the comment "McCain is W 3.0" That's a warning sign. Sadly we don't have a brain citizenship requirement in the Constitution so I'll end that there.

I don't know the motivation for the soldier to fight against being deployed, but he has the right to do it no matter what anyone else says. We are a land of freedom for now so...yeah there it is.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Since this is my thread, let me make it clear about one thing! I don't dislike Obama, I'd love to have a beer with the guy. It wouldn't have mattered if it was Hillary, McCain or any of the other ones in office we would still be going through all of this garbage with Crap & Trator, One Sided Hate Crime Bills, Mandated Volenterism and so on. Ron Paul & Alan Keys would have been a terrific ticket and they would have been assasinated by now for returning our country back to it's true self any ways. But again, it's not that anybody HATES Obama, they hate what our country has turne into since LBJ & Nixon!

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 01:47 AM
I heard Obama goes missing for days. He goes into the oval office then vanishes. Often Secret Service talk of the smell of ash and fire shortly after he returns. He also reportedly has a strange red glow and two swollen knobs on his forhead which dissipate after a few hours. This gives credence to the confirmed reports that Obama is in fact SATAN.

hold me.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
And heres something interesting that birthers should have gotten into their heads before jumping the gun and assuming Cook somehow won this case (From the OPs own source)

Last week, Cook filed a request in federal court seeking a temporary restraining order and status as a conscientious objector represented by California attorney Orly Taitz.

The government, in its response to the suit, claims that Cook’s suit is “moot” in that he already has been told he doesn’t have to go to Afghanistan, so the relief he is seeking has been granted.

“The Commanding General of SOCCENT (U.S. Special Operations Central Command) has determined that he does not want the services of Major Cook, and has revoked his deployment orders,” the response states.

Also it should be noted Mr Cook joined in May this year during which Obama was already 5 months into his presidency.

I mean are ya'll serious here?

It's amazing what the government will go through to make people questioning this President ineligible to push the issue in court. Then he got fired from his civilian job to boot.

Also you don't attain the rank of Major in just five months.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

Obama is not black.

Obama is a mulatto, a person of mixed black and white parentage.

My business partner is a mulatto and constantly gripes about the portrayal of Obama as "black".

It is disturbing that a person who could be used as an example of unity between races is instead used as a divisive element, by both whites and blacks.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 08:16 AM
This entire incident is very very strange. The fact that the government wont contest and the fact that the Military will acquiesce to the demands of a "activist" Major is quite bizarre when Generals have been axed for lesser tantrums.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by Rams59lb
Since this is my thread, let me make it clear about one thing! I don't dislike Obama, I'd love to have a beer with the guy. It wouldn't have mattered if it was Hillary, McCain or any of the other ones in office we would still be going through all of this garbage with Crap & Trator, One Sided Hate Crime Bills, Mandated Volenterism and so on. Ron Paul & Alan Keys would have been a terrific ticket and they would have been assasinated by now for returning our country back to it's true self any ways. But again, it's not that anybody HATES Obama, they hate what our country has turne into since LBJ & Nixon!

Its always interesting encountering those who espouse the "We have diverted from our true self" ideology. It's interesting since each person has their own idea of America's "true self". Is America's true self a nation of white men wearing wigs and stockings, firing muzzle loaders and maintaining large estates with negro slaves ? Some claim it to be so. Your idea of "true self" may differ but my point is, what is to say that what we are today wont be construed by some future generation as America's "true self" ? Isnt it all a matter of perception ? Where one group's perception of what America should be is contesting with another group ? It could be that all the various perceptions could be both valid and invalid at the same time.

Whatever the case, competing "perceptions" fight for recognition and acceptance in a democratic framework and evolve over time to represent the needs of the present. Isnt that the very core what America is ?

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
reply to post by Rams59lb

If the elites have that much power....nothing you say or do will ever change anything they want. I don't believe in the whole NWO crap...just a bunch of paranoid people looking to blame someone else for thier problems instead of realizing it is themselves that are the cause.

I guess the new science czar's book called ecoscience talking about
secretly adding things to the water to mass sterilize the population
is just a coincidence of the same kind that they georgia guidestones is ?

I guess the fact that both of those works look like carbon copies
out of Limits to Growth which was put forth by the Club of Rome
is just a coincidence.

I guess the Bilderberg meetings that have been filmed are some
fancy camera tricks ?

I guess so called christian politicians dancing around an owl statue
doing mock human sacrifice with a human voice recorded screaming
in anguish for realism is some fancy camera work too ?

I guess Dick Cheney's comments at some CFR meetings about how
he is glad his state voters didn't know he was the head of CFR was
some fancy camera work too ?

I am also guessing you won't believe until it is far too late, and to
be honest it is damn near far too late right now.

Good Luck to you all !

[edit on 19-7-2009 by Ex_MislTech]

[edit on 19-7-2009 by Ex_MislTech]

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Rams59lb
But again, it's not that anybody HATES Obama, they hate what our country has turne into since LBJ & Nixon!

So can you then please explain why you feel at all qualified to claim that all white people only voted out of white guilt? Or as you said, "quilt."
The only reason to even make that claim would be if you thought with a lot of hate in your heart. You are wrong about it and it is just a hatefully rascist bs thing to say. You go ahead and tell yourself that you are not that way and then continue to show everyone that you are. Now I understand you enough to realize that you have no clue what you say and that there is no reason to read any more of your threads.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Then he got fired from his civilian job to boot.

Also you don't attain the rank of Major in just five months.

OK, I said the other day that if I saw one more birther tread that I was going to throw my old computer out the window (not my new one, I'm not stupid). There it goes.....crash. Oh the humanity.

I am having one hell of a time finding where I saw/heard this so someone please help me out, but the reason the Major is out of work is because he works for a contractor that does work for the DOD. Obviously you can't have access to a DOD site if you are actively suing the government, hence, no work.

And he has been in the Reserves for quite awhile, hence the rank of Major earned over time. The 5 months scenario relates to when he signed up to go overseas. Which is the heart of the issue I've been trying to find. The timing of his offer to deploy, then his subsequent refusal to go are/were preplanned to bring his suit. It was all just a ploy to gain attention. And the attorney is just in it for the publicity. She could care less. (My opinion only)

edit to add: As I understand it, he wasn't necessarily fired, just denied access, which may or may not be the same thing. Dunno.

[edit on 19-7-2009 by zlots331]

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 01:12 PM
And I have a feeling that the Major may be finding himself in the veritable "Be careful what you wish for" scenario.

I'm pretty sure that he forgot about his inability to do his normal job as a result of his suit and I think it says a lot about the qualifications of his attorney to not see this as a possibility. Again, I am pretty sure that she is just in it for the notoriety.

We'll just have to wait and see I guess.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 01:22 PM
all of this is moot...the major was let go, now he can rant and rave all he wants as a civilian...frankly i don't care what he thinks about the BC of obama...the BC has been one of the most scrutinized document over the last six or seven years starting with obamas senate run. countless people and numerous organizations have personally saw it and said it was legit.
jesus...this reminds me that even today there are people out there that still don't believe there was a holocaust

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Ex_MislTech

I guess the new science czar's book called ecoscience talking about
secretly adding things to the water to mass sterilize the population
is just a coincidence of the same kind that they georgia guidestones is ?

I know this thread is not about this but as long as words are to be laid out as fact....can you substantiate this claim outside of Laura Ingram and Glen Beck? I hear righties screaming this all over and yet none of them can actually prove it. Doesn't that stuff ever make any of you ever wonder? I guess in a world where Bill O'Reilly can spend an hour lying his face off on a news network and have it both believed as fact and unchallenged for it's status as opinion, this stuff would make sense.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
reply to post by kerazeesicko

What makes me happy is knowing that Obama is performing so badly that it will be along time before another liberal will be elected President again...much less a black liberal President.

Yeah, he has been doing such a crappy job of allowing Bush's work to stick to him. Even though, months into his presidency, even Fox news has to point at failed Bush policy and blame Obama for it. Ah, how cute all you little rednecks are. You give away your ignorant RASCISM in just a few words - "much less a black."

Please learn to write and read in English before stating any more of it.

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