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bush caught in a huge 9-11 lie. from his own words

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posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 11:35 PM
saw this video on youtube of bush giving address. just as good as seeing rumsfield slip up and say the plane was SHOT down in penn.

see for yourself

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 11:43 PM
i dont think this is a big deal.

i think its most likely to inject an appeal to the audience's emotions into his speech

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 11:44 PM
Cheap Carney Shell Game.

Bush recalled seeing on TV where the first plane had crashed into the WTC1 while he was in the hall waiting to go into the classroom. (where he thought:"gee what a terrible pilot") everyone thought it was an accident, media, onlookers, myself even.

He was told about the second plane while he was in the classroom.

It was AT THAT MOMENT we ALL realized the first plane was NOT pilot error but intentional, as was the second plane strike.


posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Taxi-Driver

it can be interpreted different ways but this a;long with the rumsfield slip up says alot to me

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by krazykajun425

can you state the different interpretations you can see this having?
i dont really see too many.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 12:08 AM
This is in no way "up for interpretation", he's a moron, and that's reflected in the fact that he can't even lie properly.

He spoke before thinking, I am almost willing to bet that he didn't even know that it wasn't until September 12th that the video of the first plane surfaced. Regardless, he blatantly lied, considering no one seen the video.

He is caught lying, just like his administration who was caught committing perjury hundreds of times during their stay in office. And they're all criminals, and should be in prison.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 12:14 AM
The reason why they did it was to help the False Profit, that runs Cam Alot. His fathers two middle names are Herbert and Walker. George Herbert Walker Bush, just like Frank Herbert, who wrote Dune, and Luke Skywalker, from Star Wars, which was almost the name of a project they were going to start. If you ever look into Dune and Star Wars they're really just new renditions on Arthurian Legend and they both have alot in common, characters and everything. It's their special project. Our current Presidents name is Barack Huessein Obama. And some people call it Obamanation. Baracks are where the soldiers live, Huessein just sounds middle eastern and was also a name of a leader deposed from that region. And then we have Obama, and people keep calling it Obamanation. When the A-bomb-a-nation of DES (like DES-Troy what AKillEase did) Olation (like celebration) is set up in the temple of god, and proclaims itself to be God... Its all out of Revelations, and put together by the Alpha-Bet, which I believe was created to blaspheme the New Testament and lead the world in opposition to it. A Bomb, a nation, of DES olation.

Just sound it all out, and you'll get it, it's called Alpha-Bet. it starts with three words that have three letters. ABC DEF GHI.


The TickleMonster.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 12:30 AM
I know, the person who says something rude about the Bush Adminstration will get the most stars and or flags.

It's an easy target, at an appreciated one by the majority.

Although you were tricked, get used to it.

It is done with it has happened, and we need to move on to the future and make sure IT DOES NOT HAPPEN AGAIN!

We can spar on topics of Napolean and other historic figures, and go aha, I knew he was lying, but what have we really done?

I'd really like to focus on what the next would be, and start trying to see something most are missing, the current slip-ups of this (Perfect) adminstration.

Before having a group of people looking back and saying ahh, we should of seen this coming.

Hussein- Means good small and handsome, baracks middle name, if you'd like a definition

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by Taxi-Driver

It was AT THAT MOMENT we ALL realized the first plane was NOT pilot error but intentional, as was the second plane strike.


I'm sure others knew that the first plane was off course long before it hit . I would think an airliner going off course would be noticed by ATC's and so on.

In my opinion, they knew those planes were going to be hijacked and allowed to hit the WTC buildings.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by ELECTRICkoolaidZOMBIEtest
i dont think this is a big deal.

i think its most likely to inject an appeal to the audience's emotions into his speech

I'm sorry, but I had to quote this for the complete and absolute absurdity that it represents.

"He needed to inject an appeal to the audience's emotions into his speech?"

First off, peoples emotions could not have been higher if you tried, we had just seen the most devistating attack on American soil ever!

Bush could have been caught doing rails of blow on a prostitute's back side and nobody would have given a rat's azz. We wanted justice! Revenge!

It's not a big deal? This guy gave off the biggest "Freudian Slip" in the history of mankind.

Oh but wait it wasn't the first time, listen to this speech he gave:

[edit on 19-7-2009 by OnTheFelt]

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by Republican08
Although you were tricked, get used to it.

It is done with it has happened, and we need to move on to the future and make sure IT DOES NOT HAPPEN AGAIN!

I've seen this complacent attitude a lot in these threads and I think it's sad.

People were murdered on 9/11 and their murderers have not been brought to justice.

It's done with? Get used to it? Forget about it? Move on?

I'm sure that's very comforting for the victims' families! I'm sure that's also the exact attitude the perpetrators want you to have in order to get away with it.

There is no statute of limitations on murder. These people will be brought to justice and no one should rest until they are!

[edit on 19-7-2009 by Mark_Amy]

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 03:53 AM
Bush said `I remember seeing the 1st plane hit the tower on television`.

The world says `The 1st time the 1st plane was shown hitting the tower was the next day`.

If that statement was heard by any jury in the world regarding any form of court case, the defendant would be found guilty, plain and simple.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by OnTheFelt

i dont see that as a freudian slip.

A lie, yes. but that doesnt mean anything.

i thought i had watched the planes hit the building on 9/11 until i had read that they didnt show the footage until the next day.

a faulty memory? or was i in on it too?

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by ELECTRICkoolaidZOMBIEtest
reply to post by OnTheFelt

i dont see that as a freudian slip.

A lie, yes. but that doesnt mean anything.

i thought i had watched the planes hit the building on 9/11 until i had read that they didnt show the footage until the next day.

a faulty memory? or was i in on it too?

But when you saw it did you mutter to yourself `What a terrible pilot`?, to remember what you thought as you watched something is hardly a memory lapse is it?.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by Seventh

well when i first heard of the first crash i did think that it was terrible piloting or something. i thought it was like...a small single engine prop plane. after i found out a second plane had crashed (i was without tv or radio type access to information) i began to realize it was purposeful and started debating that with people who thought the second might be accidental too. i didnt find out until maybe 2 or 3 hours after that that the planes were passenger jets, not single engine props.

so to answer your question, yes. i essentially did say "What a terrible pilot." but im not really sure what that has to do with anything. i think the OP's whole point was "bush lied about seeing it before going into the classroom" and that it was a lie because he could not have seen it at all at that point.

basically im saying, its not so hard to believe that bush may have combined memories or filled in the blanks when he gave this speech. or maybe he was just saying it, the way politicians "just say" things.

[edit on 19-7-2009 by ELECTRICkoolaidZOMBIEtest]

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