posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 12:56 AM
My grandfather has passed away, so he can't reply to this...I'll have to use his words on his behalf. "Wish in one hand, and (relieve yourself) in
the other, and see which hand fills up first!".
That isn't to say that Grandpa wasn't a big believer in wishing, or dreaming. He started with a 40 acre patch of ground, and by the time I came
along, he had around 500 acres. He'd built two barns, a chicken coop, a tool shed and a house with his own hands, dug his own wells and septic
systems, raised two children, buried two more, helped raise five grandchildren, built a church, survived two World Wars, the Great Depression, and the
Spanish Flu outbreak. He knew all about dreaming, and wishing, and 'visualizing'. He also understood that sitting on your 'anatomy' wishing
for something didn't get it done. If you want to make changes, whether the changes be enlarging a family homestead, or making the world-at-large a
better place, eventually, you have to put your hand on the shovel, or the hammer, or the slide rule, and start doing something.
Let's make an effort to change the world for the better...I'm all for that. I'd just feel a lot more confident if, instead of employing
visualization techniques, we could get more people to employ their hands. Stop 'visualizing a world without homelessness', and volunteer your time
with Habitat for Humanity. Stop 'visualizing a world without hunger', and start working to feed the hungry. If you don't like my grandfather's
rather less-than-eloquent words, then keep the words of Master Yoda firmly in your mind..."There is no try...only do, or do not!". If that's still
not good enough for you, I'll quote Laurel and Hardy. "Don't just stand there...DO SOMETHING!".
I would join you in your 'fire the grid' visualization, but I, and others like me, are too busy actually doing what we can. Y'all have fun, though.