posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:20 PM
Intrigues me because when your fully zoomed out its in one of the darkest area's. If you zoom in all the way you can see an even brighter object, the
mass of this mound is huge. You can see the ridges of the side of the mountain increasing in climate, this myself thinking it is a mountain, but then
again the other side is very smudged (possibly photoshopped?) which may indicte its a crater-type object. I'd included the link to the full browser
(V 2.0 Beta), the coridinates, and some pictures as well. Hope im not just being high and skeptical, tsk tsk
I also did not want to embed the pictures due to the large file size, so i figured tinypic would be adequate enough. Click the pictures in seuquencely
order. (the moon fully zoomed out, with the point of interest marked) (around 80% zoomed in, also showing some sort of possible preasure contact trails made in the upper right?) (100% zoomed in, just within the browser. Photoshop pixelates it too much if used otherwise.)
Whether way if its a mountain, a craiter, the considerably bright and well formed object definitely is strange.
LAT: 21 41
LON: -47 21
1 pixel = 100 meters
[edit on 18-7-2009 by IDontKnow]
[edit on 18-7-2009 by IDontKnow]