posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:46 AM
I was reading up on the list of our (Canadian) current Members of Parliament and found we have the usual frenchies and Natives amoung them, and an
upcoming large amount of East Indian or Pakistani (or even Arab) on our House of Commons floor (not to mention mayors or counsellors for many
townships or cities). It all seems business as
usual around here, they were voted in afterall.
I have seen the list of American Congress and Senate members also. Have you zero population of Indian/Pakistani (American born) within your cabinets?
Is there any smaller cites with political figures within these minorities criteria?
If not, why do you thik this is? Would they never get the vote? Are they considered untrustworthy? When do you think the time will come when they
will be voted in, and do you think it would be an improvement in the US's global involvement, or a loss of 'American-ness' for you (personally) in
some form??