posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:18 AM
So living in Texas for a while now I have seen many things on mainstream media on sex offenders, as well as nationwide and even global. Recently
while watching an NWO video on Youtube discussing the chip something ocurred to me.
Over the last 15 years since the public registry and database became public after being signed into law by George Bush under the Megan laws, the
registry has grown quite extensively, as well as the laws intensifying it. I started digging on some of the statistics and learned a few interesting
statistics and facts surrounding it. Please make note I am not trying to in any way defend pedophilia or the sick acts done by people to innocent
children, just wanting to share some of the things I have learned and get input from others here.
Since the Public registry was created some 15 years ago, the size of the registry had almost quadrupled and will probably reach over a million
registered sex offenders within 2 years. Much of it's inflation can be attributed to teenage and underage girls having had consentual sex or a mere
kiss for that matter, both landing you on the registry in most cases for life. The youngest registered sex offender on the list right now is 6 years
old. Even Elvis was 23 when he had relations with a then 14 year old Priscilla. Many enhancements to the law were put into affect after a young
girl named Ashley Estell was kidnapped, raped, and murdered by an accused and sentenced already sex offender creating more laws to encompass more
people to the registry. Zoom ahead to 2008 and now DNA evidence recently cleared the sex offender of having committed this crime, but the laws had
already done their deeds. At this point in America 1 in 167 males is a registered sex offender.
Now most people can differentiate between the teenage boys who had consentual sex with an underage girl and Joe Blow who was 47 and molested his 7
year old neice, but all are thrown into the same database and registry under the same label "Sex Offender".
Now mainstream media almost on a daily basis reports of the horrific crimes of some old man raping an 11 year old girl. I'm sure we all see these on
a daily basis on the news. It makes us cringe and sick to our stomaches, and creates a growing fear within us for our own children. Thoughts of our
sons or daughters playing outside and then kidnapped and raped. When we check the database we see we have 6 or 7 "sex offenders" living within a
mile of our home. Being that a majority of the population does not differentiate between the teens consentuals and the old predators, we see them all
the same. The fear is then becoming mass hysteria against anyone deemed a sex offender with so many of them everywhere you go.
With this mass hysteria creating an urgency for the need to find our children immediately, the need for the chip become of a necessity at this point,
and not just a want. With the implementation of the chip into children, the move for all to obtain it is right around the corner.
The fact of the matter is that sex offenders have the smallest rate of recidivism then any other category, falling at round 3% and that more then 80%
of child molestation occurs with people within the family or close kin/ friends. But with the media is portrayed as though they are on every street
corner waiting to take your child as soon as you turn your head.
Ironically the big acceleration of lobbying the bills, and daily coverage came around the first rumors of the chips existence in the mid to late
90's about 5 years after Bush signed the Sex Offender database into affect. With the heavy increase of offenders that have saturated the database
over the past 15 years, and the panic created by the media, the plan for the chip is very close to its introuction and implementation phase. Is it
just a coincidence?The amount of offenders 50 years before the registry is but a tiny fraction of the amount just within the last 15 years.