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Swine Flu : I Have Encountered It In My Workplace

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posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 04:30 AM
Well at work there is anow an offical confirmed case of swine flu, and another suspected one. That brings it home. For me swine flu is no longer something that happens in another part of the country, it is now on your doorstep. Lovely. I was thinking as this becomes more widespread, and we were discussing this in work, maybe it is time we put together a swine flu survival pack, i was thinking of stocking p on the water and food, get myself some matches, torch, first aid kit, paracetomols, vitamins, wind up radio etc. I know it sounds drastic but you never know..this could mutate and become more deadly. They remade Survivors in the UK last year which was pretty good drama, but what if they were trying to tell us something? !!

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 05:25 AM
LOL - great timing for Survivors showing on TV, wasn't it?

I'm most concerned about how many ppl will get ill enough to stay home from work and how things could go once health care workers, police, etc, start only having minimum staff available. Also workers at power plants, water treatment plants, sewage plants, etc....

It's the number of ppl too ill to work that looks like it will be the biggest problem, rather than how many will die directly from H1N1. Mind you, IF basic infrastructure can't function properly then there may be more deaths as an indirect result. Just how prepared are the government, for all these ppl being off work, at the same time?

How many other ATS members have ppl off at their place of work at the moment? This is a number I'd really like to keep tabs on.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 05:28 AM
I have heard a good shot of Vitamin C is really the best thing for your immune system. What I have been told is to not take the vaccine which they are going to create mass hysteria through fear of the flu and then bring in the aptain Save a ho vaccine which they are sure everyone will flock to get.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 05:41 AM
And your issue?

It will be likely that most workplaces will be impacted by workers suffering directly or indirectly from Swine Flu so employers need to prepare.

My company has plans to cater for this and it is not hard or differcult, it just requires some planning.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by Wirral Bagpuss
Well at work there is anow an offical confirmed case of swine flu, and another suspected one. That brings it home. For me swine flu is no longer something that happens in another part of the country, it is now on your doorstep. Lovely. I was thinking as this becomes more widespread, and we were discussing this in work, maybe it is time we put together a swine flu survival pack, i was thinking of stocking p on the water and food, get myself some matches, torch, first aid kit, paracetomols, vitamins, wind up radio etc. I know it sounds drastic but you never know..this could mutate and become more deadly. They remade Survivors in the UK last year which was pretty good drama, but what if they were trying to tell us something? !!

Sorry for the excessive quote there. Seriously, just relax. Forget about worrying over 'Swine Flu'. There are many more things out there that are much more dangerous. Just be healthy.

I sometimes look at this site and wonder whether it really is the place I think it is. I look at posts like this and others that have been made in the last few days and see scarey things. A lot of the threads on here are having the same effect on the readers as tabloid, fear mongered MSM.

Sorry to rant, sorry to be harsh but this has got to stop. It is horrifying to see how many people have been taken in by this, especially on here. I understand people have died but I also understand many of these deaths have been mis reported, very badly reported, very mis leading.

It's not the Swine Flu that's killing people, it's the capitalist, mateialist agenda that so many are so willing to unquestionabley follow that is doing the killing... On a scale so large that it shocks me into ruining your polite, inquisitive post with this splurge of text.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by and14263

I don't think most ppl are intentionally fear mongering. I think it's just so confusing for everyone whether we should be concerned, or not. Whether we should consider the vaccine, or not. Whether there will be masses of ppl off sick, at any one time and that it might have a knock on effect regarding health workers, police, supplies to shops, etc.

I posted elsewhere that I think the confusion is intentional because it's very easy to lead and direct ppl when they don't know which way to turn or what to believe.

As for me personally, I was very worried when the story first broke (I have 3 kids) and then thought it was a lot of hype about nothing. Now I'm beginning to worry again because I know so many ppl, in England, that have flu symptoms in the middle of July. It's not that I'm concerned about it being a killer, it's more to do with the amount of ppl that I personally know with symptoms and how many of them are already off work. Larger businesses may be able to cope and have plans for lots of ppl being off work but what about smaller businesses? The last thing we need, in the current economic climate, is for more businesses to go under, more ppl losing their jobs, more ppl losing their homes, etc, etc. It's the knock on effect that concerns me most and yet I'm not entirely convinced that I should be concerned about anything to do with this flu - I count myself among the confused!

PS. I hope you're right and there really is no need to be concerned about any of it.

[edit on 18-7-2009 by Maya00a]

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 06:14 AM
I've been reading articles like this one:

Lately there has been an undisguised concern over the ability of UK infrastructure to withstand the pandemic this fall. For example- you have people at work who are ill- many, if they can- will choose, or be asked to work from home, as I've done here for years, in the US. Some are questioning if the ISPs will be able to handle the rise in usage. Public works- waste, water, etc., will suffer as people take ill.

The same concern exists here amongst those of us who discuss it- the MSM isn't saying a peep about it- but I'm certain that there are multiple strategic plans- as there are in the UK- for scenarios like this.

How will food get in country? Will shops be open? can we get to the doctor or pharmacies?

When people become ill around you these questions arise- at least they have for me. Chicago has a very high rate of illness, and we've not been "out" for a long time (I'm injured, so it's rare, anyway, but we do have a social life-a nd all of our friends are holing in, looking after kids, stocking up, etc., as are we). For now, we're talking to our families about contingencies. If this fizzles, it will have been a good exercise. If not, we pray we will have done enough to stay safe!

I hope you keep well


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