posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 06:48 PM
I supposedly got the H1N1 virus a week or two before it went truly mainstream. I assumed it was just a bad reaction from being clogged up with
allergies, and had it drain into my lungs over night.
The next morning, woke up with a headache and sore throat, sucked it up and went to college. By 4, my headache evolved into a throbbing migraine, and
by 5, I was calling in sick for my last class and went home to show a 104.f fever to my mum.
It lasted for about a week and a half; headaches, exhaustion, hard to look around, and constant coughing up yellow-green phlegm. My dad got pretty
upset with it, saying I may have had Encephalitis. :/
Never got it figured out since I'm so 'anti-doctor-I-can-take-care-of-myself' like, but a couple weeks later, H1N1 hit the mainstream and mum
accused me of having it.
[/shrugs] Wasn't a pleasant experience though. Was drugged to hell and back to get a decent night's sleep. Wouldn't wish that on anyone, really.