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US Wont Hesitate To Use Military Against Iran

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posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 06:01 AM
How much time left, and what will be the FF attack within the US to promote another war?

WASHINGTON (AFP) — US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday renewed a limited US offer to talk with Iran despite its post-election crackdown and defended the principle of engaging anti-American regimes.

In a policy speech marking nearly six months on the job, Clinton rejected critics who say engagement is a sign of weakness and warned Washington would not hesitate to use military force to defend itself or its allies.

But she said President Barack Obama's administration preferred to focus on diplomacy and development to advance US interests, which include fighting terror and promoting Middle East peace as well as boosting the global economy and curbing climate change.

She repeated previous calls to "lead with diplomacy, even in the cases of adversaries or nations with whom we disagree."

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 06:40 AM
I cant see the US attacking Iran without them attacking us first(real or false flag.I thinj Obama will try diplomacy first.Then maybe make a deal that Iran keep its nuclear program with UN monitors in place.Just a guess tho and one which Israel will howl against if it happens.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 07:38 AM
The United States of America will NOT have a military conflict with Iran. Obama and Company do not have the "balls" to take on Iran or anybody else. Obama is dead set on meeting with Iran over the next four years (eight years if he is re-elected) to "discuss" their nuclear program. Iran is looking to be another North Korea for the United States. We will have several rounds of United Nations sanctions (that do nothing) while Iran pretends they are interested in finding a solution while they work underground making their bomb.

The ONLY way anything will happen to Iran is if Israel goes after them alone. I am not even sure if Israel wants to risk their forces on a conflict with Iran at this point. Only time will tell on Israel?

You can bet that China and Russia oppose (or even block) sanctions as the normally do since they are partners with Iran and North Korea anyway. In the end nothing will be done to Iran since the world cannot get on the same page about anything.

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