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What Swine Flu Media Hype?

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posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 04:20 AM
I keep hearing people saying it's all media fear mongering hype.. WHAT!??

There is nothing about swine flu on bbc news or sky news ever! They might say something like "NHS got 40k calls" and then thats it.

The most important thing in the news at the moment is the stupid helicopter afghanistan thing, which has been stretched out for 2 weeks.

Its like the news dont even want to acknowledge there is a pandemic.

[edit on 16-7-2009 by Haydn_17]

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 04:23 AM
I think they're trying not to spread panic. maybe if their predictions of a 0.5 death rate kicks in, the news would be unavoidable.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 04:36 AM

I dont know what is up with my threads, no one seems to get the link of this horrible flu.

Read my thread here : Swine and Canine Flu

They have made it so the WHO and UN gets to spread their FLU among us using our house pets.

Why that would'nt interest any one is beyond me !!!!

We have DogFlu and HorseFlu in the mix too..
Check out my link..

Read my thread here : Swine and Canine Flu

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by Haydn_17

in america you hear about swine flu from time to time.

Actually i think this site hypes up the hype more than the media hypes up the flu

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 05:38 AM
Thank you for getting this discussion going. I just replied in a swine flu thread that I'm not even a little bit concerned about this thing and I am more worried because it seems like everyone else is. Maybe I'm missing something and I need to look more into it but whenever I do I find it's not a big deal, to me anyway. They're are so many more 'scary' medical things to me that aren't being shown in my face everywhere Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, anyone??? I'm a mortuary science major and we have thick books detailing how we don't even know if it's safe to bury these bodies because it can survive many years after the fact in the ground. But, even that isn't very prevalent but spikes on my radar far above swine flu.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by VintageEnvy

Hello ! ?
read this , it is important ..
Reshearch on dogflu vaccines is also in tix swine flu mix.
IF you viccinate your dog with the dogflu vaccine, you might bring it home and infect your self with the Flu... It is transfering from dogs too.

Swine and Canine Flu

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 05:50 AM

Originally posted by ChemBreather
reply to post by VintageEnvy

Reshearch on dogflu vaccines is also in tix swine flu mix.
IF you viccinate your dog with the dogflu vaccine, you might bring it home and infect your self with the Flu... It is transfering from dogs too.

Swine and Canine Flu

Ok, let's say this happens then. I get this flu and I'm pretty sure I'll feel like crap for a week and then get over it, like a normal flu. Thats my thing, I dont disagree that its there. I don't disagree that its making people sick. But, to me it's just a regular illness not anymore dangerous then any other flu. Also, I wrote this response back far too soon to go through your link of information but I will continue going through your info and if something changes my mind, I will let you know.


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