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9/11 was a Mind Control operation

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posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 04:48 AM
I would first like to say that this is my theory and I do not have any evidence to back it up. There is some stuff out there on the internet that says that 9/11 was done by CIA using mind control, but I would rather not refer to those sources as they are a bit shady, those websites. I am speaking from my personal experiences with mind control and then this idea came to my mind that 9/11 could have been a complete mind control operation. What happened on 9/11 is bad, but I felt that this is worth discussing as a conspiracy.

US govt, through mind control can read, influence and manipulate a person's mind through the satellite. People can be turned into terrorists, terrorist sympathisers or supporters of terrorist activities, with the help of mind control. When I say mind control, I mean satellite mind control and not MKultra mind control with drugs. You can influence a person to do something in minutes and even a person's thought process can be mimicked from outside, with the person thinking that 'he' is thinking.

The US govt uses mind control to read (and control) the minds of terrorist groups and they can reach all over the world with their satellites. The govt must have been reading the minds of Taliban and Al Qaeda even before 9/11. It is not possible that they planned 9/11 and the govt did not know about it. That is why I think that it was an inside job

If you read the 9/11 report, which I have, then you will see how well planned and
sophisticated an operation 9/11 was. They picked up the terrorists who flew the planes very carefully, it was financed in a sophisticated manner and executed as though they were flying the planes without the fear of being intercepted or brought down.

All the terrorists that flew the planes were in the US as sleepers, or were they? It is possible that the US govt manipulated the minds of Al Qaeda leaders to carry out 9/11. At the same time these terrorists were infuenced by mind control to join Al Qaeda and were 'motivated' to carry out 9/11. This could have happened in the US or while they were outside the US. I am saying 'motivated' because there isnt a better word, with mind control you dont have a choice, and you dont realise it.

Yes, the US govt does manipulate the minds of people to become terrorists.

The govt was keeping a tab on this entire operation and and manipulating it as they wanted and these terrorists were doing exactly as the govt planned. On the 9/11 day, people screening at the airports let them through because their brains were manipulated to allow box cutters and other things onto the plane. No body from the check-in to baggage screening to security checks saw any problem with what the terrorists were carrying, Why ? Because they were under mind control.
The terrorists also flew the planes into the building under mind control and we have seen what happened after that.

One of the terrorist used to live in Jersey City, NJ, close to where I lived for 5 years and I know that the area is always under surveillance by intelligence agencies due to a large Middle Eastern population. I dont think it is possible that the govt did not know about 9/11, in context of the mind control technology that they had.

This raises 2 possibilities:
Either the govt knew about it but did nothing or the govt itself did it.

But again this is my theory and I leave it to ATS members to give their opinions.

IMO it was a false flag by the US govt.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

Sunny..... I think you read my thread i posted a few days ago about 9/11 possibly being a Mind Controlling event and have twisted it to suit your own thread!!

Mine was based on the possibility that Aliens used Mind Control to crash the planes into the Towers but unfortunately people here didn't want to participate in the discussion!!!!

I have no idea why but it looks like you have taken my Theory and changed a little of it to say it was the CIA who used Mind Control....

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

I have not twisted your thread, I actually have not read the thread that you posted.

I came up with this theory based on my experiences with US govt mind control.

Please look at the thread which I started below (This was in Feb 2009, I hope you dont accuse me of twisting that too!)

Please also post a link to your thread, I would like to read it

[edit on 15-7-2009 by sunny_2008ny]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

Ok..... my apologies....

Maybe you and me are just on the same wavelength here....

This is my thread (although it was written off as being an absurd idea):

[edit on 15-7-2009 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

Maybe you and me are just on the same wavelength here....

I think the common theme in both the threads is that this entire 9/11 was an operation done with help of mind control, and I would not write off your alien theory as absurd, could be possible.

If you read about UFOs and ETs then you know that aliens have been said to have telepathic powers. With Mind control you can achieve telepathy, besides other things. So if the US govt can have mind control technology, then surely ETs visiting us must be having it, long before us.

And I may add that in my thread on US govt mind control, I myself received a few replies that were unpleasant, so I would suggest that if you believe in something then stick to it, people will always have opinions and that is what makes this forum so interesting.

[edit on 15-7-2009 by sunny_2008ny]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

Yep.... true, people will have their own agendas & opinions.... I will read and analyze what others say and if i'm wrong i'll admit it but they usually debunk the idea without giving it proper thought.....

I like what you say here:

[B][The govt was keeping a tab on this entire operation and and manipulating it as they wanted and these terrorists were doing exactly as the govt planned. On the 9/11 day, people screening at the airports let them through because their brains were manipulated to allow box cutters and other things onto the plane. No body from the check-in to baggage screening to security checks saw any problem with what the terrorists were carrying, Why ? Because they were under mind control.
The terrorists also flew the planes into the building under mind control and we have seen what happened after that.] [/B]

I never thought about the Security being under Mind Control aswell..... very possible although i don't know about the Satellite Theory.... but you could be right.... I get messages into my head from somewhere and i have no idea where they come from.... I know some of it is Telepathy and other parts of it are just random messages & pictures!!

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

I get messages into my head from somewhere and i have no idea where they come from.... I know some of it is Telepathy and other parts of it are just random messages & pictures!!

That could be the US govt mind control that is communicating with you, I would say that if these messages or images are coming to you, how do you know that it is not you that they are coming from?

Do you think aliens are communicating to you? I am asking all this because if you think it is aliens that are sending you messages, then there is a possibility that it is actually the US govt.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

I really don't have a clue where they come from.... seems to come from outside when i'm just chilling at home..... when i'm out and about i get tons of mixed messages....

You think i can claim from the Government if your theory is true? Or take them to court?

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

You think i can claim from the Government if your theory is true? Or take them to court?

The govt will not admit that it has mind control technology so there is no point in taking it to the court.

When you get an external message, just ignore it and dont react or think about the contents of the message, thats all.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

Looks like another convert to the Islamic Faith was under some kind of Mind Control or Hypnotic State.....

I'm surprised you havn't got more responses on this thread to tell ya the truth..... looks like people just are not convinced!

[edit on 17-7-2009 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 11:29 AM
Only cable TV and broadcast not on WTC Tower One were set to provide
unsubstantiated news reporting.
All the hijackers had photos on the front pages days later.
We can't believe any thing else cause they are the 'gods' of our life.
Well people do believe other than what might be considered the truth.
Not to go into a long list of unwanted scenarios, the 9/11 is one of the best
in the control category.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

I'm surprised you havn't got more responses on this thread to tell ya the truth..... looks like people just are not convinced!

You are right. Mind Control is a topic that few people believe in, and there is absolutely no evidence to present.

I will look at the BBC article about the Islam convert and then post my opinion here.

Looks like another convert to the Islamic Faith was under some kind of Mind Control or Hypnotic State.....

I read the BBC article but it does not say anywhere that the convert was under mind control of hypnosis at any time. The article says that he was under drugs

The US govt does manipulate the minds of people to make them terrorists and they first convert their targets into Islam. I will say that it is possible that the convert to Islam was not by his own choice, but his mind was manipulated to convert to Islam

[edit on 19-7-2009 by sunny_2008ny]

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