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David Icke speaking about the Vaccine

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posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 02:40 AM
I don't think this has been posted. Thought it should so here it is.

David Icke says that if you only do one thing to protect yourself and your family – do this – don’t take the swine flu vaccine. There is a war on the human immune system and it is being waged by eugenicists.

I know I won't be taking this vaccine

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 03:02 AM
great clip. He is making a lot of sense here. I think its a matter of time before people are going to be forced to be vaccinated.

People should e-mail this to everyone they can think of!!!

Very Scary.


posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by grantbeed
great clip. He is making a lot of sense here. I think its a matter of time before people are going to be forced to be vaccinated.

People should e-mail this to everyone they can think of!!!

Very Scary.


sending an email of David Icke to anyone I know would only make them want to take the vaccine more. Although David has a lot of interesting things to say, he is generally viewed as a mad man here in the UK

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Don't care what other people think - David Icke

I have a feeling he dosen't care man, i dont think i do to.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 03:14 AM
Yeah but...

If you have reptilian genetics it won't affect you in a negative way.

Typical egg hatching's should be about 35% larger broods

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 03:48 AM
It is a BEAUTIFUL conspiracy by the NWO. Biggest threat to the NWO are all you ATS types. So..

phase1 - roll out deadly virus
phase2 - pump up the media
phase3 - roll out the vaccine
phase4 - get kooks to scaremonger about the vaccine 24x7, this gets all ATSers in an all out frenzy to refuse it
phase5 - everyone but ATSers get vaccinated and saved
phase6 - no more conspiracy enthusiasts and truth seekers left, they're all dead
phase7 - NWO coasts into existence

Have fun dying.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
Yeah but...

If you have reptilian genetics it won't affect you in a negative way.

Typical egg hatching's should be about 35% larger broods

Yeah you're right with the first part of this analysis! lol! but I have to disagree and wonder how the heck you came up with the 35% calculation?

I think the correct calculation should be around 45%

Maybe you're approaching the problem wrong? using reptilian math & statistical calculations and/or Alien Conversion Tools?

But it doesn't affect this important message from David Icke! - so don't let them inject 'Squalene' into your veins or muscle, it could seriously mess up your immunesystem further down the road in life! (See-GulfWarSyndrome)

[edit on 15-7-2009 by Chevalerous]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 04:21 AM
How can you have a "vaccine" so soon for a new virus that is obviously genetically morphing as shown in some cases where people who had the vaccine are still becoming ill from the virus.

IMO the best way to prevent yourself from getting this virus is practicing common sense. Wash your hands constantly, don't pick your nose, touch your face, eat healthy foods, take your vitamins and antioxidants. You should be fine. If you do come down with a flu, chicken soup or just the broth does wonders. You really think if you are sick with a flu and taking the vaccine will help you? Yeah sure, I'm dying from a virus and you pump me up with more virus / other toxic chemicals into the body that will only weaken you.

Great plan... if you plan to depopulate a lot of weak people.

America! **** Yeah!

--- P.S. also I have not had any extra vaccines/shots for a good decade now, I have hardly been sick since. Maybe a cold for a few days here and there. When I was younger and had my yearly, or every other year shots, I was sick every february.Never felt better once I started to deny all that crud.


posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by contemplator
It is a BEAUTIFUL conspiracy by the NWO. Biggest threat to the NWO are all you ATS types. So..

phase1 - roll out deadly virus
phase2 - pump up the media
phase3 - roll out the vaccine
phase4 - get kooks to scaremonger about the vaccine 24x7, this gets all ATSers in an all out frenzy to refuse it
phase5 - everyone but ATSers get vaccinated and saved
phase6 - no more conspiracy enthusiasts and truth seekers left, they're all dead
phase7 - NWO coasts into existence

Have fun dying.

I'm supposed to believe you are going to get the vaccine yourself? You have fun dying.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by grantbeed
great clip. He is making a lot of sense here. I think its a matter of time before people are going to be forced to be vaccinated.

People should e-mail this to everyone they can think of!!!

Very Scary.


We are already forced, arent we?
Well atleast as far as I am concerned. They "plan" mass vaccinations. What if one doesn't want to take it? I'm sure you picture the outcome

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by contemplator
It is a BEAUTIFUL conspiracy by the NWO. Biggest threat to the NWO are all you ATS types. So..

phase1 - roll out deadly virus
phase2 - pump up the media
phase3 - roll out the vaccine
phase4 - get kooks to scaremonger about the vaccine 24x7, this gets all ATSers in an all out frenzy to refuse it
phase5 - everyone but ATSers get vaccinated and saved
phase6 - no more conspiracy enthusiasts and truth seekers left, they're all dead
phase7 - NWO coasts into existence

Have fun dying.

Yes because we all know how "deadly" the swine flu is and if we get it, it will for sure kill us off

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by bl4ke360

Originally posted by contemplator
It is a BEAUTIFUL conspiracy by the NWO. Biggest threat to the NWO are all you ATS types. So..

phase1 - roll out deadly virus
phase2 - pump up the media
phase3 - roll out the vaccine
phase4 - get kooks to scaremonger about the vaccine 24x7, this gets all ATSers in an all out frenzy to refuse it
phase5 - everyone but ATSers get vaccinated and saved
phase6 - no more conspiracy enthusiasts and truth seekers left, they're all dead
phase7 - NWO coasts into existence

Have fun dying.

Yes because we all know how "deadly" the swine flu is and if we get it, it will for sure kill us off

it's not all that deadly "yet". When the mortality rate hits 70% we'll see how anti-vax you are then..

P.S. I know people who have already taken it, and their organs have not liquefied yet. They're balls have not fallen off, and most unusual is they have not gotten full body gangrene yet.

[edit on 15-7-2009 by contemplator]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 11:22 AM
If David Icke's believers take his advice it could be a great addition to natural selection

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 07:54 PM
David Icke claims that the former Prime Minister of the UK, Edward Heath was a reptilian and ate babies.....................'nuff said.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 08:00 PM
Those of you all so willing to throw out the baby wth the bath water!!
Why is that.. okay yeah its David Icke.. He has some theories that many people will not hear.. And then point the finger and say hes a mad man don't listen to him!! Get the vaccines!!!

Well if you wont listen to him.. check out what our own congress is saying about these shots..

Its a shame those of you who look badly upon Icke.. He is a brillnant man!
With much truth to speak!
Granted its not all about lizard people, and blood drinking Elites..

Please learn how filter out information...
I know its not easy to do, but some people amaze me with their sheer ignorance on some subject matter.. Tossing out the baby with the bath water!!!

ITs true in 1976 swine flue came out and the Vaccine killed more people than died from the FLUE itself..
Please do your research before you Flame David Icke..
He is telling you some DAMN good information this time around!!

Please google the swine flu of 1976!! That to was another propaganda gimic to get people to get shots back then.. You know what they shut them down as more people died Via the shot than the Swine Flu itself..
Oh how fast people forget about the past.. Down right scary!

[edit on 15-7-2009 by zysin5]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 08:12 PM
If I decide to get or not to get the vaccine, it will be because of my own research and NOT because of something that quack Icke said.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by zysin5

I've researched and read a lot about David Icke.............the guys madder than a box of frogs!

I'll bet you the only research David Icke has done is to read the reports of the 1976 vaccine story, and then churn it out in relation to the current flu pandemic.

I'm sorry but when you get someone as crazy as this guy, you can't just ignore his past rantings.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 08:49 PM
I find peoples attitude towards Icke pretty pathetic.

Take away the reptile stuff and his research is top notch. Stick to your indoctrinated knowledge sheeple, as Icke is too high brow for you.

Edit: I'm in UK and remember him on Wogan, but i can still see the woods from the trees. Disseminate info as you please, but give the guy a break.

[edit on 15-7-2009 by PrisonerOfSociety]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 04:31 PM


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