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Water Shortages

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posted on May, 7 2004 @ 09:46 PM
There's an excellent article at

It seems that the amount of rainfall in the western US during the 20th century was at an 800 year high. This was the period when the water allocation agreements were put in place that govern agricultural and urban supplies.

Now, it seems that, since 1999, the climate has become drier, and water supplies have shrunk. It's not clear if this is due to global warming or just a reversion to "normal" precipitation patterns.

In any case, if this continues, people in the Rockies and West are in trouble.

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 09:54 PM
Interesting article. The last period of prolonged drought coincide with the dispersal of the Anasazi and other Pueblo peoples.

There is only so much water to be had in the west. What happens to property values and populations when it is gone?

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 10:24 PM
Last nights newscasters (5/6/04) on our local NBC channell in UTAH was talking about the old growth trees dying in the Mountains at an allarming rate.......its SO HOT here allready....we hit the 90's today...and this can only be contributed to Global warming in MY opinion......We had some good snowfall this past winter, and it rained almost every day of March!
STILL the news channells are flooding the public with pleas to CONSERVE water.....and there is a 'tell on your neighboor' program if you THINK they are watering your lawn to much, and they shall be fined!.....we have these informative blurbs on TV telling people how to best keep your yard alive.......water at night ect...
WHY DO PEOPLE CARE ABOUT GREEN GRASS SO MUCH? has nobody ever heard of zeroscaping?? this green grass THING had got to be a conspiracy in itself! The golf courses SHALL remain VERY green but people must put a brick in the back of the toilet tank......


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