reply to post by conrad x
I'd venture to say you haven't spent much time on ATS. Otherwise, you'd not make such idiotic statements.
As I said before, I am really bored repeating myself and rehashing the same old crap over and over again. If you have something new to offer or debate
on, by all means, please.
However, there are tons of threads on here where both Loose Change and Screw Loose Change are debated, debunked, and endlessly argued over.
In threads past, I have even brought information up from Screw Loose Change in the debate over the Pentagon missile theory, since about the only thing
they got right was their debunking of the NPT of 9/11. Beyond that, they are about is infantile, fanatic, and aggressive as CIT, Loose Change, even
Killtown, so it's hard to take such silly ranting seriously.
Of course, your own juvenile knee jerking does not bother me. I get it from Truthers and anti-Truthers alike, and such opinions roll off me like water
off a duck's back.
If you have a new source of debunking material, anti-Truther ideas, or any source of your opinions that does not come from a site that has been
endlessly debated, debunked, and argued over, please, present it, and then I will be happy to discuss it. Otherwise, don't waste my time. I've told
this to the Truthers as well when I state that Loose Change is BS, and then they want me to point out what is BS regarding it.
I don't, because like Screw Loose Change, I have read the Loose Change BS and found it equally lacking, have pointed out what exactly, then left it.
Arguing and debating over the same crap is BOORING, especially when someone religiously adheres to it.
Now go enjoy your refreshing glass of kool-aid and have a nice weekend.