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The attack on the youth & the destruction from within

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posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 07:15 PM
There is absolutely an enemy within America, attacking in the open public space and airwaves.

How many of you see it?

How many of you actually have a grasp of the destruction of the youth mind? Are you too busy working to notice what has become of your children? Do you even have children?

I believe many of these change-the-world types haven't even changed themselves since junior high school. I see low grade imbeciles every day walking around like zombies in grown bodies with no clue about reality. To them, it is a silly dream or a game and they have called a permanent time out.

I speak with the youth every day, and they are pathetic. Sure, there are some fine examples of future leaders, but for the most part the mass of them is terribly inept. I am waiting patiently for the eye opener, for the catalyst, for the real process of making animals into future leaders.

There is only so much that America can take before it awakens from the shadows and sets things right again.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 07:34 PM
You have to realize that all this corruption and destruction is simply setting an epic stage. Whatever is about to happen within the next decade or so, people will remember it for a long time.

You can't completely stomp out the good, because there are natural balancing forces.

ee cummings put it this way: when times are good, nobody worries, and everybody forgets why times are good, and they slide into decay.

When times are bad, people remember what it was like when things were good, and work is done.

People like to feel good, it's just a matter of how asleep they are. If you pinch them enough they will wake up in a heartbeat. That is the biggest reason I don't worry.

Take care of yourself and those around you and just let the wind worry about everybody else.

[edit on 13-7-2009 by bsbray11]

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 08:10 PM
If America grew good food and did not add fluoride to the food (Hitler gave concentration camp prisoners fluoride to turn them into the very same people you are describing)

American society would be much better off.

But no, there is dumped medicine and fluoride in our water, mercury in our fish, pollutants in the air.

I mean you can't just give a tomato plant water and expect it to grow bountiful fruit.

You have to give it all the micro-nutrients it needs, watering it with a pail of water that has had its chlorine content evaporated, at that too...

People are the same way... They need to eat and drink well to think clearly and not have their minds clouded by drugs or artificial additives in the water supply.

The PTB wants youth to be dumb and simple so they can be controlled easily... That's it!

These 'Future leaders' you speak of will be controlling these fellow youth (or 'profane masses' as they will come to call them) by dumping even more crap in their water supply to control them even more while they drink spring water and organic food from private suppliers.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 08:41 PM
@The original post

First, do you have any empirical evidence to suggest that today's youth is any more ignorant than those from the 50s, 60s, 70s, or 80s?

Second, what makes you qualified to call others imbeciles?

I would submit that there exists an ignorant and stupid population in every generation of youth. To suggest that the current youth's said population is any worse than before is ridiculous without empirical evidence.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 08:45 PM
yup. i am also one of those idiot american mentally and emotionally retarded people you are talking about. i know what colors and sounds are used for and how they are used. but im too dumbed down to be able to verbally explain it to my peers. they just laugh at me cuz i sound stupid to them and they are right. it worked on my vocabulary too. now i am too dumb to tell people but i do realize what is happening. i am glad i am not the only one who knows what having a pair of ears and eyes can do to people whether they are listening or looking or not. i am sick of all the mind control going on and want out. but everywhere i go, the mind control systems follow. the only way out is to become a megabillionaire or be directly related to one,,,or be directly related to one of the elite families from around the world. to be a controller and have access to the knowledge of the ages kept out of circulation by the knowledge hoarders would be pretty cool to know about. our reality is controlled through the mind and nothing else and our controllers know this. its not about gold or raw materials, it always been about mental and emotional control of all types and levels. all of it.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by lorents
yup. i am also one of those idiot american mentally and emotionally retarded people you are talking about. i know what colors and sounds are used for and how they are used. but im too dumbed down to be able to verbally explain it to my peers. they just laugh at me cuz i sound stupid to them and they are right. it worked on my vocabulary too. now i am too dumb to tell people but i do realize what is happening. i am glad i am not the only one who knows what having a pair of ears and eyes can do to people whether they are listening or looking or not. i am sick of all the mind control going on and want out. but everywhere i go, the mind control systems follow. the only way out is to become a megabillionaire or be directly related to one,,,or be directly related to one of the elite families from around the world. to be a controller and have access to the knowledge of the ages kept out of circulation by the knowledge hoarders would be pretty cool to know about. our reality is controlled through the mind and nothing else and our controllers know this. its not about gold or raw materials, it always been about mental and emotional control of all types and levels. all of it.

I am sorry, but I don't know whether you are being facetious or not.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by THX-1138
There is absolutely an enemy within America, attacking in the open public space and airwaves.

How many of you see it?

How many of you actually have a grasp of the destruction of the youth mind? Are you too busy working to notice what has become of your children? Do you even have children?

I believe many of these change-the-world types haven't even changed themselves since junior high school. I see low grade imbeciles every day walking around like zombies in grown bodies with no clue about reality. To them, it is a silly dream or a game and they have called a permanent time out.

I speak with the youth every day, and they are pathetic. Sure, there are some fine examples of future leaders, but for the most part the mass of them is terribly inept. I am waiting patiently for the eye opener, for the catalyst, for the real process of making animals into future leaders.

There is only so much that America can take before it awakens from the shadows and sets things right again.

Well Honestly i can't disagree with you at all. While there is potential out there, none of it gets realized because of a piss poor "education" system, social/family problems, less and less family time and too much computer/tv/video game time. Everything is cynical, the rich look down on teh poor, the poor hate the rich, it's as if battle lines were drawn.

Just a quick example of the "educational" or "indoctrination" sytem whatever you want to call it: I went into the gas station a couple weeks ago and i told the girl behind the counter ( she was 18-25) "12 dollars on pump 6." I gave her a $20, but at this point she entered the amount wrong into the register and she couldn't not figure out the change herself, infront of my eyes she picked up a calculator to do the math.

Now i have never been good at math at ALL, in fact i failed in more than once in HS. BUUT i mean that's the future, none of this age group can do anything without some sort of technology. Outside of my computer i use little to no electronics, occasional tv for sports, some radio and thats about it, my contract on my cell phone came up and i didnt renew just go without, back to a simpler time. I love not being at everyones beck and call 24/7, It's a small piece of what freedom must taste like lol, and I'll end on that note.

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