posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 07:13 PM
I was thinking about the ramifications of a madated vaccine where every man, woman and child.
It seems that in a pandemic situation, the expeditious timeframe that a vaccine is created and administered, due to the devastating nature of a killer
virus and the attempt to stop it quickly from spreading, could have potential liabilities to the manufacturers.
To be fair, TPTB exclude tort suits from any compensation for medical, death or other issues resulting from injection of the vaccine.
With the alternative worst senario of human life being extinguished, this seems more than reasonable and hopefully at worst, better than the
extinction of the human race.
(wink, wink)
Now when the time comes to take the shot, forcefully if neccessary or be quarantined or even dispatched for resistance and wasting the precious time
to get the pandemic under control, or other, you have to make a choice.
If I made the choice not to take the shot and included my family, and if say my child died from the virus, or if I did,
Not only would I be dead, I would leave behind loved ones who might blame my death on belief in conspiracies; hence not taking the shot, or
alternately, feel guilt not taking the shot or allowing my child one, but I would probably be charged with manslaughter or worse.
Yet, should I and my family take the shot, and one of us dies proven from the vaccine itself, there would be no legal recourse against the profitting
So, if you take it and die, they are not held liable,
\but if you don't take it and die, they will charge the custodian for a crime most likely, and possibly others as accessories to the "fact".(or de
facto arbitrary law citing)
Therefor, TPTB will call the toss,
"Death I win, death you lose."
Observing the way thing are turning, I would say this is most likely the cards that will be played.