posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 11:09 AM
Okay last night i had a pretty cool dream.
Well, i say cool, but i was a slave building the Pyramids.
We were all queing up to get through this big gate, and i was just talking to some of my friends.
Then, inside my dream, i had this vision of my mate jumping off of the bridge we were on, and into a car below. Then she did it. I knew exactly what
was about to happen. She would miss the car, land on the floor and die. I remember shouting as she jumped, "You idiot, now you're gonna die" Thats
exactly what happened.
Is this just a peculiar dream?
I had a hunch that this could be me on the first step towards lucid dreaming, because it was like i was controlling the dream, but not completely.
Any thoughts?