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Interactive Flood Map

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posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 02:05 AM
Hi all,

ever wondered what a 2 metre sea level rise would mean for you?

What about a 12 metre rise??

I found this interactive map where you can see what it would do to your area!! Im not sure how accurate this is, but its fun to play with.

It becomes much clearer the more you zoom in.

You may think that the sea level may never rise this much in our lifetime, but you should think again. Evidence of Antarctic ice shows that major Ice shelf collapse has in the past sent sea levels soaring all in the space of days!!!

The Ross Shelf is an area the size of France and experiments here have proved that a disaster awaits that has happened throughout history.

the drilling team retrieved a core of 83m, far greater than expected, which contained climate records spanning about 500,000 years

Scientists believe that Ross Ice Shelf collapse would rise sea levels between 5 to 17 m


posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 02:33 AM
very good S&F for your effort, looks like I'm well safe up to 14m but start to look for higher options if any higher, one thing i noticed in my area all the really high ground is owned by farmers ......

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 02:43 AM

i would be swamped by 12 metres!! i watched a doco the other day and the guy said this sea level rise could happen within 3 days!!

Look like i need a Canoe!!

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 11:39 AM
I wonder if rising sea levels would rise the levels of the great lakes? Or completely backup and flood at the St. Lawrence Seaway..

Anyone have any ideas? Theories?

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 11:45 AM
Well, according to the map, it seems that the Great Lakes region will be just fine.


However, I would think that the area would be just as flooded as coastal areas, since we have an open ocean-way.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by The Soothsayer
Well, according to the map, it seems that the Great Lakes region will be just fine.


However, I would think that the area would be just as flooded as coastal areas, since we have an open ocean-way.

Yes, the open ocean-way is the St. Lawrence Seaway, I would assume that would back up and flood badly. Where I am, in Wisconsin should be just fine.

Oh well, time will tell..

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 02:47 PM
We (that is, Wisconsinites) will be able to ride out a massive flood for quite some time. According to these maps, only the coastal areas as well as the Mississippi delta and the St Laurence sea-way will be effected by a 60m rise...

North America at 60m flooding

It is only here at 100m that we see the Great Lakes begin to flood...

North America at 100m flooding

Judging by the latest NASA map of North America, the Great Lakes area really won't change all that much. Then again, since Superior is the highest elevated lake of all the Great Lakes, it would stand to reason that it would also be the least affected.

North America

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by The Soothsayer

The only reason why I feel concern, is because in the area I live in, it use to be a swamp a long time ago. Plus I live approx. 1/2 mile away from Lake Michigan.

But looking at the projected maps you showed me, did coincide with what I felt would happen, but I still had that 5% doubt lingering.

Thanks a lot.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 04:34 PM
Neat map, but not very accurate. I know my elevation, and the elevation from me to the coast. On the map 14m was no were near me, but in reality, 14m would put me on a shallow island!!!

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by ratphour

Half mile from Lake Michigan, huh? Which county are you in? Marinette myself.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by The Soothsayer
reply to post by ratphour

Half mile from Lake Michigan, huh? Which county are you in? Marinette myself.

Milwaukee County..

I remember when we had archeologists do a small dig at a park near where I live, looking for Native American relics, I had a long conversation with them (mind you, this was 20-30 years ago) when I was a child. They were telling me the area I lived in used to be a big swamp. That always stuck with me. I should do some geographic research of this area, and see what I can find.

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