posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 01:53 AM
Welcome to ATS. Firstly, FYI there is a BIG difference between a Newbie and a Noob. I think you fall into the Newbie category
Newbie usually refers to somebody that is new to something and does not have experience about how this something works and functions. As you begin to
take a more active interest in this activity, you will become less and less of a newbie.
A noob is usually someone who displays a lack of skills or displays an inability to do something effectively or sufficiently given their relative
level of experience.
One can teach a newbie and he or she will become a veteran.
One can try teach a noob, but they will likely just be a trained noob.
In regards to your dilemma: nobody in this life has the right to tell you what is best for you in terms of your occupation. This is a decision you
must make yourself and listen to what feels logical above what feels morally right. In essence, you can probably have a career in both fields. Spend
your working hours doing the science/research stuff, spend your free time doing voluntary work.
If you are financially well off, you could do a course in engineering or psychological research or something like that. Most of us work because we
need to make payments whether it's our mortgage, rent etc. If you can find a job that combines your interests and don't mind working hard in,
that's great and you are lucky,
Just be realistic and realise that you will have responsibilities to to adhere to. If you are not financially well off and you spend 40 hours a week
doing voluntary work at the old age home, you will find it tough to survive. I'm not saying don't listen to your heart, just make sure you are
applying that which is logically important to consider.
[edit on 13/7/2009 by Dark Ghost]