posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Essan
I cant be bothered with the details of this mans intrest, the point is , and you know it, he has a long resume and think the Chemtrails are real.
Metallica jused Chemtrail news report in theyr music video, Beck have a song called Chemtrails, Prince speak of chemtrails.. We are not delusional,
rather you that are in denial of this..
(I do not mean YOU, but all chemtrail skeptics, want to clearify that)
Anne Hache stars in a movie about Chemtrails , it is no point denying it !
Is there, dear Sir. ??
Tell me one thing : what makes you so sure 'they' would NOT spray the population of Earth from planes. ????
It is proven WITHOUT A DOUBT they have done it over and over and over !!!
Why cant it be going on NOW !???