posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 01:50 PM
Of course we have potential, we have mass amounts of it. And with mass amounts of potential comes the opportunity to become a galactic heavyweight.
Just wait until we get everything settled with our own species and start colonizing space, we're going to be a real big problem if there is such a
thing as a galactic federation. Our species may seem stupid, but we're not, we're incredibly intelligent, we will be able to reverse engineer
anything thrown at us and use it for our own, we're very fast at adapting to new environments and change, even though it seems like change is what
most people hate, if we have to accept it- we will, and we will become experts in no time for whatever we have to accept.
Look at planet earth, there are people living in negative zero temperatures, there are people living where it gets above 120 every day, and they still
find ways to survive and work. Our species is incredibly adaptive, and I know we will find a way to travel long distances in mere moments, while it
may not be in our lifetimes, we will find a way, and we will start to colonize space.
Now if I was an alien, I would certainly see our species as a problem or even a potential threat if we started hopping from planet to planet and
claiming them as our own, draining up all the resources and making bases on every moon, wouldn't you? You know any less intelligent alien
civilization we see, we're going to drop down and invade them then claim the planet and it's resources/potential technology as our own.
The only thing we have to watch for are those less civilized "Space Amish" that are secretly watched over by a much more intelligent civilization,
where any species that messes with the less intelligent species goes extinct, on a species level.