posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:56 AM
I shop almost daily at the dollar store in the mall closest to where I live.
Pretty much for the same items, as needed, because they are less expensive to buy there. I'm a cheapskate, what can I say.
The store goes by the name Dollarama, and up until recently..everything in the store was exactly one dollar + tax.
Well a few months ago, they decided to expand their include things that were $1.25, $1.50, and $2.00. Great! We all thought..more stuff to
choose from, and the price still ain't bad.
Now here's where my arse starts to burn....
Increasingly every week, I go in to buy the same freakin things I have bought all along, and the prices are creeping up. No longer just a buck.It's
not just the new items priced higher..the old ones too.
We are in a recession yeah, but dollar stores are raking in the cash more than any other retailer..they don't need to jack up the prices of anything.
Iam sick and freakin' tired of somebody always trying to grab a few more cents outta my pocket.Screw off..IT'S MINE!
Stop selling me your Asian imported garbage, give some Canadians a job making this stuff and I'll gladly pay the increased price...but don't charge
me more for the same damn thing, when I know you are making a killing off me already.