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posted on May, 7 2004 @ 10:46 AM
Ah, Springtime, the weather is warming up. Time to take the dog, get out the johnboat, and relax with a little fishing. Yes, relax, unless of course you happen to be fishing for Rockfish!

There have been a number of such creatures postulated in fantasy and science fiction, from Frank Herbert�s worms, to Kevin Bacon�s Tremblers, and of course lets not forget the immortal words of Dr. �Bones� McCoy: �Damnit Jim, I�m a doctor, not a bricklayer!�

In keeping with the theme of this board, just how likely would it be that such a creature would exist? What would be the best form? Would they be able to �swim� through solid rock, or would the be limited to till and sand? What would be the evolutionary path that would encourage such beasts?

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 11:17 AM
I watched this short the other day and was pretty impressed with the quality of the graphics. That rockfish was massive! I really liked the way it ended and the main character's little sidekick, he was cool.

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 11:28 PM
Any thoughts on the possibility of creatures that live underground like this?

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 11:36 PM
First, I'd like to say that was a cool vid. LOVED the ending.

As for something like that existing here on Earth, I doubt it. Were we to have "rockfish" here, we'd have a lot more earthquakes as a result. Also, it would have to be able to easily move through solid rock. Were it in the mantle, which according to current theory is molten, that would be more believable.

However, that's now. Were something like that to evolve eventually here on Earth, I think humans would wipe it out right away, as was eluded to in the film. They would be too threatening to us, so they would go.

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 11:40 PM
Sure I guess. We haven't discovered everything in the oceans yet though, we're pretty far off from finding anything in the crust.

If there was a similar creature to this, it probably somehow lives in magma.

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 11:55 PM
Well I wasn't realy thinking about anything like that here on Earth. I was thinking more in general terms.

Given the average geology of planets like Earth and Mars, could such a creature evolve on another planet>

I have to say that Frank Herbert's worms of "Dune" seem the most likely, while the "Horta" of "Star Treck" seem the least logical. (pun)

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 01:05 AM
yaaa the worms of dune! they lived under the sands of some far away desert and ate you if you strayed to far from the rocks. ah i loved that game. Is Dune a book too? i find it perfectly belivable for one to live under some sands of some far away desert on some alien world. you never know. It doesnt have to go by what we call "physics." nice little sidekick

i think most people thought you ment earth because you posted it in the Cryptozoology thing, wich usually means on Earth. you shoulda put it in the Aliens section. just a suggestion.

[Edited on 9-5-2004 by masterofpuppets]

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
Well I wasn't realy thinking about anything like that here on Earth. I was thinking more in general terms.

Given the average geology of planets like Earth and Mars, could such a creature evolve on another planet>

Then I would have to say yes, absloutly.

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by masterofpuppets Is Dune a book too?

There are at least 6 books in the series:
I have read Dune and Children of the Dune, both of which were either made into movies/tv movies

This kind'a reminds me of a clip out there where a man is Ice Fising and an Orca catches him!

The closest we have to this is worms.
As for the possibiltiy of it anywhere; sure, right next to the chaos theory.

[Edited on 10-5-2004 by jlc163]

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 04:33 AM
Cool! That rockfish video was rendered using software I've been helping to develop over the last 3 years

I'm happy somebody here enjoyed it!

[Edited on 9-5-2004 by Zzub]

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 10:14 AM
WOW..........That was one of the best things iv'e seen on the internet for the last couple of years COOL!
Thanks for posting it i will tell some friends to watch it.
Way to go! I gave it a 10
P.S where can i find this site on the net.
so i can download it ?

[Edited on 9-5-2004 by parker]

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 08:20 AM
sorry, posted on this thread by mistake. Message removed.

[Edited on 10-5-2004 by Simon]

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by Zzub
Cool! That rockfish video was rendered using software I've been helping to develop over the last 3 years
www.splutterfish.comI...'m happy somebody here enjoyed it!

Add me to the list of people who really enjoyed it! And I wish I could afford it, too, because I'm just starting to learn moviemaking. Alas, I'm no studio, just a starving anthropology student ... and I don't have Autodesk, either or 3D Stjudio Max.

But that was a great short film! Can you recommend any others?

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 10:17 PM
The movie is awesome. As for something like that really existing, I dont know. I wonder how long it took to make that movie?

[edit on 11-15-2004 by William One Sac]


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