posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Unit541
You know I was starting to think you had a point there... and then I remembered that the US pretty much conned Saddam into invading.
Just to recap... anyone know why Saddam invaded? The Kuwaitis were doing two things that directly threatened Iraq: they were over-producing on their
OPEC quotas and thus messing with the price of oil: but more directly, they were
slant-drilling across the border into Iraqi oil fields.
A couple of months before the invasion, Saddam had a special visit from a US envoy called April Glaspie, who conveyed a very specific message: she
actually said, and this is in the minutes of the meeting, that the US had "no opinion" on Iraq's disputes with its neighbour and that it wanted to
see those disputes resolved quickly.
That's a green light to someone like Saddam.
It's also interesting that April Glaspie is under a gag order to this day. She can't ever speak about that meeting.
Edit because I forgot to mention that I read (in the
Journal of Foreign Relations, the in-house magazine of the CFR) that the US actually
turned a profit on Gulf War I: they'd got quite a few nations to kick in monetary support for the venture, and there was a little left over in
the kitty at the end of the day. How nice.
It's also not irrelevant that the US went from being the number five arms dealer in the region before the war, to the number one, shortly after.
[edit on 10-7-2009 by rich23]