posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 05:32 AM
Originally posted by jimstradamus
Really ???
Whenever people start to worship a man as if he were almighty i get a little worried.Why has Ron Paul been allowed to rise in power so quickly and
gather a huge following of people with an opposing view to the elite ? Under normal circumstances wouldnt Ron Paul have had an "accident" by now.
Wolf has been cried so many times.We are led to believe one thing when in fact like usual we have been duped.
Is Ron Paul the awakening or just another government lullaby ?
Does Ron Paul really have gonads of humongous proportions or are they merely inflated with the knowledge that he is part of the NWO plan ?
The longer the good Dr. is alive and preaching to the masses the higher up my list for Antichrist he goes
I guess im just worried that so many people are starting to blindly put all their faith in one man.
I think you're are being a little unfair to Dr. Paul in that post you offer some damned if he does damned if he doesn't paradoxical scenario's.
Ron Paul is doing what Ron Paul has always done, is a strict constitutionalist by definition. You say he has risen to power as if this is analagous
to Obama who shot up out of obscurity like a Michael Jackson record. Ron Paul is one of the few people in the senate that can back up his beliefs with
a solid voting record that is consistent with his rhetoric.
He is a mild mannered man who is softer spoken than most loud mouth elected public stooges whose grasp of both domestic and foreign policy can't come
close to Ron Paul who has predicted more problems years ago that have come true. Had they given Ron Paul the time of day back in 2002 we would not be
in such a mess right now.
I have wondered whether or not he was risking his life saying some of the things he says too but killing him would only make him more of a hero to
many and cause a skeptical U.S., Population to grow even more cynical of its Government and more distrusting.
I think the idea a mass exodus of every single member of the congress and senate where we vote every incumbent OUT of office is an Idea that is slowly
catching on where methods are in place to keep a watch on things like acorn and the so called NWO (which I think is a crock). If everyone voted em
all out and we see the same cadre of imbeciles still in the next day, THEN we will have serious decisions to make about what we are going to do to get
our country back in the hands of the people and out of the hands of an alleged NWO.
Ron Paul is too old to run for President in my opinion he would never make it. I would vote for him if he did.