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Obama Smear Site Vanishes From Web

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posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 12:09 AM
Obama Smear Site Vanishes From Web

A website aimed at combating so-called Internet "smears" about President Obama has disappeared from the Internet – including an alleged certification of live birth posted during his campaign – and archives for the website have been thoroughly scrubbed.

A Google cache of the website still shows many of the "smear" topics the website addresses, but content for each posting is no longer available. The snapshot of the page from July 2, 2009, lists the following topics:

* Obama's campaign was funded by foreigners
* Obama sought endorsement from the New Party
* Obama has connections to Bill Ayers
* Jerome Corsi's research on Obama and Kenya's Raila Odinga
* Obama's relationship with Fannie Mae executives
* Obama's affiliation with ACORN
* NRA research on Obama's record on guns
* "Born alive" accusations concerning Obama's pro-abortion stance
* Jerome Corsi's research on Obama in "new hit book"
* Obama is a Muslim
* Obama has not shown a long-form birth certificate and may not have been born in America

Obama launched his "Fight the Smears" website in June 2008 to stop "ideologues" from "spreading a 'pack of lies' about Barack."

Tommy Vietor, spokesman for the Obama campaign, told the New York Times at the time of launch that the campaign sought to confront "lies" and "false rumors" with the "Fight the Smears" website.

"Whenever challenged with these lies we will aggressively push back with the truth and help our supporters debunk the false rumors floating around the Internet," he said.

Article here

So I guess fighting the "smears' has proven to be a daunting task for Obama.
Is Obama throwing in the towel now to avoid an avalance later?

It's obvious he is a pacifist so it's kinda surprising he even chose to launch a website that includes the word "fight".

How can the internet President decide to ditch such an important web site so soon?
Especially a web site that was meant to defend him from attacks.

He has decided to no longer "fight" and "defend" himself from any "attacks".

Is this what he plans on doing with our country as well? Time will certainly tell.

It may be time to start saving the cached pages before they disappear from the web forever.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 08:10 AM
*shrug* Non issue in my opinion. Maybe his campaign is just closing up all of the remaining pieces and shutting down web sites they opened so that they don't have to pay hosting fees any more.

I am actually having a hard time taking any of these obama smears in ATS seriously anymore. Seriously, the guy could have an untied shoelace and someone will claim that he is sending a message to his undercover cronies to loosen the reigns of the federal reserve or something. It's rediculous. At least Bush gave us some real gaffs to laugh at, maybe that's the problem...we're spoiled.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 08:19 AM
Either they could no longer fight the truth and gave up .... or .... they don't care anymore because their guy got elected and they are no longer worried about pumping the rhetoric out for the sheeple to buy into.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Either they could no longer fight the truth and gave up .... or .... they don't care anymore because their guy got elected and they are no longer worried about pumping the rhetoric out for the sheeple to buy into.

Ya I agree, I think they no longer care about fighting the rhetoric the sheeple have been
pumping out.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by mental modulator
Ya I agree, I think they no longer care about fighting the rhetoric the sheeple have been pumping out.

Well .. we agree they dont' care anymore. Of course your thought is backwards from my thought ... but that's to be expected.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by rogerstigers
*shrug* Non issue in my opinion. Maybe his campaign is just closing up all of the remaining pieces and shutting down web sites they opened so that they don't have to pay hosting fees any more.

We are Trillions in debt thanks to Obama's Stimulus I.
Now there's talk of Stimulus II and you think he is closing down a web site to help the economy?

I suppose next you'll suggest Obama should hold a bake sale too.

[edit on 10-7-2009 by Alxandro]

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Alxandro

Um, no, I said nothing of the sort. His CAMPAIGN FUND is not connected to the economy.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by mental modulator
Ya I agree, I think they no longer care about fighting the rhetoric the sheeple have been pumping out.

Well .. we agree they dont' care anymore. Of course your thought is backwards from my thought ... but that's to be expected.

Glad you liked it, that was just for you FF

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