posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 02:06 PM
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I read anther post/thread basically asking "Why are so many people against the hate crimes bill?", I along with many others posted our opinions, of
course those who don't agree with this bill are acused of being "Haters" of either the government, administration or simply are Obama haters which
is not true at all. Now, of course their will always be sheeple who don't care for Obama, as their are sheeple who don't care for Bush but to me
that is always the distraction from the real issue or topic being discussed. This thread shows how this Hate Crime Bill is not Equal Protection Under
The Law! So if you disagree with somebody and they just happen to be a minority then it is a hate crime but if you disagree with someone not protected
by this bill then it is okay? Hmm, I'm sorry, Hate is hate! It's not about skin color or sexual preference. The proof is in the video so please
watch it and then argue your opinion that it isn't about a one sided bill?