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There is a secret war going on on this planet yet we still debate whether or not 911 was a conspirac

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posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 06:01 AM
There is a common them on ATS and that is to discuss blatently obvious conspiracies over and over again, but where does that get us?

There are many many things going on around this planet that involve us all (well they all centre around MONEY AND POWER) which still effects us all.

We are slaves to each nation because of these secret war games and IMO, 9/11 was the wake up call I needed to see what has been in front of our eyes all this time.

There are things around us that are being kept from us and instead of thinking about the best way to tackle this problem we all talk talk talk.

I offer no personal facts other than the research, which, everyone, if they really wanted to, could do for themselves. I am not going to list evidence after evidence that blatantly shows 9/11 was a conspiracy because what is the point. it will only attract the wrong crowd.

I am looking to address the fact that if we can all agree that 9/11 was a false flag event designed as part of a TIMED masterplan to transform earthlings into TPTB personal slaves and to give TPTB more control in order to transfer them to 'SUPER POWERS'

Taking in to consideration that all we can do is debate whats right in front of our eyes over and over again, we make it to easy for these groups. The truth is how long do we have on this planet? How long before the inevitable.

Please everyone its simple 9/11 was an inside job to deny this is showing complete and utter ignorance IMO.

There is countless evidence to prove 100% without a shadow of a doubt that there is more that meets the eye when it comes to 9/11 that the government know about but choose not to tell us, the people that put them in power?

Please everyone can we start to concentrate on more pressing issues like what is TPTB next move going to be?

[edit on 9-7-2009 by franspeakfree]

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 07:30 AM
I thought that you made your point about secret wars in your other thread on the UFOs/Aliens forum?

You're probably better off sticking with one secret war at a time.

Maybe you should start your secret war campaign in the NWO forum as well?

It's not that I disagree with you... I just don't see the point of starting the same kind of thread across different forums.

You're not going to convince the government loyalists that anything is wrong and you're probably not going to convince half the truthers that it's anything more than a criminal act.

[edit on 9-7-2009 by tezzajw]

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw
I thought that you made your point about secret wars in your other thread on the UFOs/Aliens forum?

You're probably better off sticking with one secret war at a time.

Maybe you should start your secret war campaign in the NWO forum as well?

It's not that I disagree with you... I just don't see the point of starting the same kind of thread across different forums.

You're not going to convince the government loyalists that anything is wrong and you're probably not going to convince half the truthers that it's anything more than a criminal act.

[edit on 9-7-2009 by tezzajw]

Thanks for the advice tezzajw the truth is there are secret wars all over, yet the same old people start the debates and in the end we end up with nothing.

If its ok with you I will stick around on this topic as IMO 9/11 was an event that woke alot of people up from their slumber and helped people realise that there is more to life than what we have been told.

Everyday we get the same old thing 9/11 was an inside job/No it was't/yes it was, its time to move on and figure out how we can work together in order to raise awareness that we are living in a time of uncertainty.

I will think about the NWO thread but at the moment lets just concentrate on 2 this one. I am not bothered about flags or stars, I am more interested in raising awareness and trying to unite both sides.

Everyday we here from these loyalist wheres the proof? everyday they are given proof but it is never satisfactory. I say come on smell the coffee its time for a different record.

Sorry just to add, the secret war in space, although its connected with TPTB, which is the reason I have tied it in, this is a thread dedicated with trying to reach an agreement as to how we can move on, and reach a common ground between the loyalists and the realists.

[edit on 9-7-2009 by franspeakfree]

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 08:42 AM
Yeah I know what your saying lets go and ... wait need another glass of fluoride ... what were we talkin about oh yeah, meh CBF, with the fluoride in my fluoride I fluoride with the fluoride .. wait what was i saying again

mmmmmm fluoride... :Q.......

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

Do something about TPBT OMG no we can't do that we have much more important things to do like worshiping a dead pediphial!!

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 10:16 AM
While i believe this TPTB stuff is complete nonsense and most of the 9/11 theories are not only ridiculous but offensive and disturbing, there is no getting around some strange discrepancy in the 9/11 story.

Then again every big event can be made into a conspiracy if the person has the will to.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 10:29 AM
Hi there, if you´r looking for the next move, look no further; swineflou has been proved not that dangerous but the vaccine is, chemtrail which has moved to europe now aswell. If you don´t know about it, check out AGENDA 21, that should scary you. However when it comes to doing something about all of it, i personally am trying to tell as many as posible not to drink ASPARTAME, to check out some of the things you can find on youtube, to try and wake people up to what is going on. The more people wake up the more people will be able to make up there own minds about, what they think is right for them and there famelies. Hope that helped. Love and light.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 11:02 AM
I agree with you fran. But take it a step further. All this crap you see going around you is not for the benefit of TPTB but for the one controlling TPTB. Figure that one out and then you can connect almost every thread on ATS and form a picture of Life.

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